
发布 2022-12-06 21:42:28 阅读 7617


it was grandma's birthday.

max made her an earthworm birthday cake.

no,max,"said max's sister ,ruby. "we are goingto makegrandma an angel surprise cake with raspberry-fluff icing"这是奶奶的生日,max要做蚯蚓生日蛋糕。“不,max,我们打算要做一个有草莓奶油的天使惊喜蛋糕给奶奶。


max wanted to help。

don't touch anything,max." said it was too late.

ruby sent max to the store with a list that said: 想帮忙,“max,你不要碰任何东西。”ruby说。




so he wrote " red-hot marshmallow squirters" on the grocer could not read max's writing.

eggs!" said the grocer. and he g**e the max's 想买炽热棉花糖*器做他的蚯蚓蛋糕。


只看懂鸡蛋,于是,店员就给了max鸡蛋。max brought the eggs home to ruby.

don't bump the table, max!" said it was too late.

ruby sent max back to store with a list that said: milk .max买了鸡蛋回来给ruby。




this time max wrote "red-hot marshmallow squirters" in adifferent way.

max hoped and hoped for his squirters ,but the grocer still couldn't read max's wirting .

milk!" said the grocer , and he g**e max milk .




when max got home,there was a sign on the kitchen door."max,the kitchen is no place for you," said finished up her cake.



it needs something eles, max," said ruby.

birthdaycandles,silverstars," wrote max had a brand-new idea .ruby烤了蛋糕,冰冻它并且将光滑的草莓糖衣淋上蛋糕。ruby对max说:



hedrewapictureofred-hotmarshmallowsquirtersonruby'slist and

ran to the grocer .he could not wait."birthdaycandles,silverstars,sugarhearts,buttercreamroses!

"said the grocer。what'sthis?why,itmustbered-hotmarshmallowsquirters!




这是什么呢?看样子,一定是炽热棉花糖注射器。ruby's cake looked just beautiful。.ruby的蛋糕看起来很漂亮。


grandma was so thrilled, she didn't know which cake to eatfirst.

奶奶看到2个蛋糕,太激动了,她都不知道该吃哪一个蛋糕。【篇二】therearesevendaysinaweek(周)..sundayisthefirst(第一)day of the week .

in sunday , i am playing cards(玩卡片)with my friends . monday is the second(第二). we arewalking to school .

tuesday is the third(第三). i often domy homework . wednesday is the fourth .

we are flying kites inthepark(在公园了放风筝).thursdayisthefifth(第五).wedo my math(数学).

friday is the sixth . we are working hardatschool(在学校努力学习). fun together .

(我们一起玩的很高兴)( 1、there are __days in a week .a、six b、five c、seven

)2、what is the first day of a week ?a、monday b、saturday c、sunday

) 3、what am i doing in tuesday ?

a、do my homework . b、fly kites . c、do my math .

(4、the fifth day of a week is __a、friday b、thursday c、wednesday

)5、in saturday , we area、doingmyhomeworkb、flyingkitesc、h**ingfunatogether【篇三】my familyih**eahappyfamily(一个幸福的家庭).myfatherisapoliceofficer(警官). he is tall.

he likes to play basketball andcheckers(西洋跳棋). and read books. i am a student.

i am a boy. i like to playon the computer(在电脑上玩). i am shorter than my father andmy mother.

we like to eat noodles(吃面条). we like to go for a walkafter supper(晚饭后散步). we are a happy family.

( 26. my father is a police officer.( 27.

my father is short.

) father likes to play football and checkers.( mother is a teacher.

) mother likes to watch tv and read books.( am a student. i am a girl.

( like to play on the computer.( am taller than my mother.( like to eat soup.

( are a happy family.


max made her an earthworm birthday cake.no,max,said max s sister ruby.we are goingto make grandma an angel surprise cake with raspberry fluff icing 这是...


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