
发布 2022-12-05 21:28:28 阅读 4828

一、听录音,将下列单词所缺字母补充完整。(10分) 2. h __nd 3.

s___x 4. p__n 5. d___d6.

l___ng 7. t___n 8. f___t 9.

t___ll 10. m___m二、听问句,选择最合适的答句把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)

)1. a. yes, she is. b. yes, he is.( 2. a. he is five. b. she is nine.

)3. a. wow!

its so tall. b. wow!

its so big.( 4. a.

she is my english teacher. b: she is tall andthin.

)5. a. oh! it has a small head. b: oh!it has a longnose.笔试部分。

一。在下面的四线田格内写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。(10分)b k h j nz l a g d


第1页。d e g y qg d y q e三翻译。(5分)

canada __3. boy___4. tiger___5. giraffe___四、补充下列单词。(10分)

h___nd l___g m___lk s___ster d___d


) ear ) 3. a. seven b. two c. tail ( 4. a. mr

) 5. (6. )7. (8. fat

六、选出下列句子的正确翻译。(10分)( am from the uk. a.让你的眼睛变小。( is a new student. b.我来自英国。

) is my father. c.它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。

第2页。 ) has a long tail and big eyes. d.她是一个新学生。

) your eyes small. e.他是我的爸爸。七、请从b栏中选出a栏句子的回答,将其序号写在前面括号里。(10分)(a)栏(b)栏。

) are you from? a. i am from china.分享到:新浪微博腾讯微博qq空间qq好友人人网贴吧复制**。

本文导航1、首页2、三年级数学下学期期末试题-2( )at the giraffe. b. he is my father.

( is that man? c. it is so tall.

( is my friend, amy. d. no, she isnt.

( she your mother? e. nice to see you, amy.

八、选择题,将正确选项的序号写在括号里。(15分)( 1.对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说___b.

thank you.

) 2. john来自美国,他自我介绍时该说___am from the usa. am a chinese.

is john.( 3.当你对事情表示怀疑时,你可以说___1.

com( )4.你怎样向你父亲介绍自己的朋友amy?__

第3页。a. this is my friend, amy. b. he is amy. c. this womanis amy.

) 5.当你想询问**上的女人是谁时,可以问:__a.

who is this woman? b. who is this man?

c. she is myteacher.

) 6.看看那只长猴子。可以翻译为:__

a. look at that giraffe. that monkey. c. lookat that bear.

) 7.它长得又高又大。可翻译为:__

a. it is big and fat. b. it is short and fat. c. it istall and big.

) 8.它有一个小脑袋。可以翻译为:__

it has a thin body .

) 9. nice___meet you. b. at c. on

) h**e two new___a. pen b. friends c. so() she

)12. the elephant has a __nose. b. shortc. thin

) is that boy? he is my___c .sister

第4页。 )14.__is that woman?she is my c. how( )15. itso am b. is c. are


3. a..plane


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