
发布 2022-11-18 19:17:28 阅读 4983



)1、a. twqb. jndc .gmp

)2、a. mptb. ptmc. mtp

)3、a. twob. twelvec. three

)4、a. 680b. 860c. 806

)5、a. bookb. goodc. look

)6、a. yellowb. window c. brown

)7、a. saturdayb. tuesday c. thursday

)8、a. hairb. handc. ears

)9、a. girlb. birdc. shirt

)10、 smilec. run




)1、a. you’re welcomeb. thank .

)2、a. all rightb. here you arec. no , i don’t .

)3、 in aprilc. yes , it is .

)4、a. no , i h**en’tb. yes , i amc. no , i h**e got one .

)5、a. fridayb. twelvec. purple.



hi , i’m brenda . look at my christmas cards .



)1、a. earsb. legsc. teethd. mouse

)2、a. lookb. sitc. rund. pork

)3、a. sadb. sweater c. happyd. scared

)4、a. footb. chicken c. beefd. pork

)5、a. thursday b. marchc. monday d. friday

)6、a. socksb. shoesc. pinkd. jeans

)7、a. window b. bedc. tiredd. chair

)8、a. dumplings b. toesc. colad. ice-cream

)9、a. appleb. bananac. chicken d. orange

)10、a. blueb. doorc. redd. green


)1、my f**orite day is

a. augustb. mondayc .eight

)2、what’s your f**oritechips.

a. foodb. dayc. colour

)3、whatdo you like best? nine.

a. numberb. letterc. present

)4、—h**e you got a pet

a. yes , i h**en’t b. no, i am not c. no , i h**en’t

)5、do you like rice? yes, i .

a. don’tb. doc. not

)6、i see 12 in the box .

a. appleb. micec. milk

)7、my birthday iswednesday.

a. atb. onc. in

)8、what’s in the box

a. yellowb. a bookc. seven

)9、toby is veryhe has got a birthday card for his birthday .

a. sadb. angryc. happy

)10、zhou lan likes chicken , but shelike pork .

a. isn’tb. don’tc. doesn’t


ab )1、what’s your f**orite fooda. here you are .

)2、can i h**e an ice creamb. in february.

)3、i am very tiredc. my f**orite food is beef.

)4、when is your birthdayd. a white sweater and blue jeans.

)5、what is tom wearing to bed , please.


黄岱小学三年级语文期末模拟测试。得分。一 看拼音写词语。18分 ji j ng f m t ng i ji g u gu n b w i d o t n xi o f ng sh ng 二 默写古诗。18分 1 清明时节雨纷纷。借问酒家何处有。2 日照香炉生紫烟。疑是银河落九天。3 林暗草惊风。平明...

三年级期末模拟测试 下册

三年级数学期末模拟测试2012年6月13日。命题人 孙洪芹时间 80分钟满分 100分。一分耕耘一分收获,经过一个学期的快乐学习和努力,展示你风采的时候到了,准备好了 祝你成功!一 填一填。共20分 1.从8时到12时,一共给840棵苹果树喷了药水。平均每小时喷 棵。2.每套校服用布3米,620米布...


2018年小学数学三年级期末模拟试卷。满分100分,考试时间为45分钟 一 填一填。分 乘以2的积是 再加上10的和是 减去40除以2的商,差是 线 12 12 里面有 个十,3000里面有 个千,也可以看做是 师 老 个百。5 最大的一位数与最大的两位数的积是 6 站在不同的位置看粉笔盒,最多看到...