
发布 2022-11-15 10:25:28 阅读 3556

writing part笔试部分(80分)

一. 按字母表顺序,以正确格式书写26个字母的大小写。(20分)。

二、看图选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。 (8分)

1 ear ②eye ③hand ④face ⑤nose ⑥bird ⑦leg ⑧foot


) are youa. five.

)2 how old are youb. nice to meet you.

) is wu yifanc. my name’s zoom.

) your named. fine, thank you.

) many platese. ok.

) birthdayf. here you are.

) i h**e some water, please? g. thank you

) it brownh. great..

9. let’s make a puppeti. it’s a duck.

) thisj. i’m nine.


) 1. what’s this? it is

a. an elephant b. a bear c. a panda .

) h**e __

a. a eraserb. a crayonc. an eraser

( )3. -colour it brown

a. goodbye b. byec. ok!

( )4i’m miss white.

a. what’s your name? b. hello! c. how are you?

) like someplease.

a. juice

) some .

a. juice


) 1. 当你告诉别人你有一只尺子时,说:

a. i h**e a ruler. b. i like a ruler. c. look at my ruler

) 2. 当你把一样东西给对方时,可以说:

a. how are you ? b. here you arec. here are you


a. my name is jim. b. i’m jim. c. this is jim

) 4.告诉朋友。你看到了绿色。说:

a. i see see h**e green


a.what’s that? b. what’s this? c. this is a bird.



一. 听录音,给**标上正确的序号。

2. elephant box 10. eraser


1. the mouth is red 2. the pen is blue. 3. the apple is green.

4.the banana is yellow. eye is black 6. the book is white.


my name’s chen jie

2. a what’s your name?

3. b goodbye!

show me green.

5. b. carry your bag.

四.listen and judge.听音,判断**与你听到的内容相符合的打“√”不符合的打“×”

your book. (your pencil box .(

3.white, white, touch the ground. (4. carry your bag. (

5. black black ,stand up (×


2012秋小学三年级上册英语期末测试卷。班级姓名学号 第一部分听力 70分 一 听音,根据录音内容,选出你所听到的 并用圆圈将 下面的字母圈住。每题2分,共10分 a b a ba b a ba b 二 听音,标号。按录音所念顺序给下图标号。每题2分,共8分 三 听音,打 每题2分,共8分 四 听音...


一 按顺序写出26个字母的大小写,并圈出元音字母。18分 二 将汉语和对应的 连线。10分 1ear2pencil 3book4eye 5pencil box 三 讲英语与对应的汉语连线。10分 show me reda 坐下。sit downb 你叫什么名字?what s your namec 向...


i.look and choose.看一看,选一选,选择准确的序号,共12分 yellow panda red dog pen head eraser eye bread nine milk eight颜色 动物 学习用品 身体部位食品材料 数字。ii.read and number 读一读,根据单...