
发布 2022-11-15 10:18:28 阅读 8541


听力部分。一. 听单词写首字母。 (10分)

1. _moking 2.__obot 3.__leven 4.__iskman 5.__ouse

6.__able 7.__itchen 8.__atch 9.__itter 10.__icture

二。 选择你听到的一项添入题前括号内。 (5分)

)1. a. radio b. nineteen c. video

)2. a. eleven b. right c. left

)3. a. computer b. keyboard c. eating

)4. a. knock b. painting c. welcome

)5. a. school b. drinking c. painting

三. 听短文为**排序。(5分)


五.听句子,选择你听到的一项。 (5分)

)1. a. here is the change2. a. he is painting.

b. here is your moneyb. she is painting.

) 3. a. this is the kitchen4. a. how much are they?

b. that is the kitchenb. how much is the ball?

) 5. a. what are you doing?

b. what are they doing

六。 听音为下列句子排序号。 (10分)

)1. are these your books1. this is ann’s television .

)2. bobby is swimming2. that is the dining room.

)3. don’t make noise3. what is he doing?

)4. how beautiful4. whose pencils are these?

)5. where do you watch5. there is a girl.

七。选择画线部分发音不同的一项。 (5分)

)1. a. penb. bee c. pencil

)2. a. roadb. hot c. doll

)3. a. apple b. bag c. snake

)4. a. netb. see c. egg

)5. a. lockb. frog c. boat

八。听录音,选择正确的一项完成句子。 (10分)

a. bathroom b. eating c. whose d. doing e .ann’s

) 1. _radio is this ?

) 2. this is the __

) 3. what is mocky __

) 4. what are you doing? i’m __

) 5. they are __cds.

a. beautiful b. bikes c. interesting d. dinner e. doing

) 1. i’m __my homework.

) 2. how __

) 3. there are some __

) 4. we are cooking __now.

) 5. it’s very __


welcome to my house

welcome! ann and ken .come in , please.

thank you! bobby. this is the ⑴.

what are these, bobby ? they are ⑵.who is she?

she is my ⑶ she is ⑷ look! this ⑸ is very beautiful. whose picture is this?

it’s my mother’s. how much is it, bobby? it’s nine yuan.

( )1. a. living room b. tiger ( 2. a. duck b. books

)3. a. sister b. father ( 4. a. sleeping b. cooking

)5. a. picture b. ann


1.__hh___2. _kk___3. _rr___

4. _vv __5. _yy___


1. eleven2. don’t walk

3. this is the living room4. i’m studying

5. whose cds


a. bc. de

fg. hij.

1. butterfly 2. watch 3. walkman 4. singing 5. drinking

6. sleeping 7. table 8. train 9. computer 10. robot

十二。 看**,读句子,选择正确的一项 (5分)

a. whose pencils are these? they are ann’s.

b. whose books are those? they are ann’s.

a. where is the dog? it’s in the living room.

b. where is the bed? it’s in the bedroom.

is he doing? he is eating.

b. what is he doing? he is playing.

a. what are you doing? she is watching tv.

b. what is ken doing? he is cooking.

a. what is it? it’s a panda.

b. what is it? it’s a television.

十三。 请选出不同类的一项。 (5分)

) 1. b. monkey c. bedroom

) 2. a. smoking b. jumping c. brother

) 3. a. robot c. eleven

) 4. dance

) 5. a. lion fish

十四。 选择正确的答语。 (5分)

)1. here is the money!

a. they are cindy’s b. thank you!.

)2. what are you doing?

a. i’m watchingtv. b. it’s wangling’s.

)3. whose apples are these? ?

a. they are ann’s. b. he is playing.

) much is the coat ?


青岛版三上期中测试题。班级 姓名等级。一 1 直接写得数 2 估算。二 认真细致 填一填 的8倍是196与7相乘,积是。2 在 填上 或 3 已知a b 380,如果a扩大3倍,则积是 如果b缩小5倍,则积是 4 最小的三位数与最大的一位数相乘的积是。5 飞机每小时飞行800千米,3小时可飞行 千米...


一 基础知识部分。1 填空 25分 1 1千克 克千克 1吨 10吨 千克6千克 克吨 8000千克 5分 秒。2 在 里填上合适的单位名称。一个苹果重180 一个篮球的质量是580 小红体重30 一袋食盐重500 一袋大米重10 3 在 里填上 或 24 5 25 49000克 6吨5 59与45...


青岛版数学学科三年级上册期中达标试题。一 我是计算小能手。1 直接写得数,比一比,谁细心。20分 2 竖式计算。10分 二 我来填一填,画一画,连一连。34分 1 填空 20分 1 1时 分 60分米 米 5千克 克 8吨 千克 吨 5000千克 2000g kg 2 在 里填上合适的单位名称。一个...