
发布 2022-11-12 15:20:28 阅读 7386






一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,将序号写在题前的括号中。(10分)

) 1. a. riceb. nice

) 2. a. appleb. banana

) 3. a. swimmingb. skipping

) 4. a. basketball b. football

) 5. a. monkeyb. elephant

) 6. a. likeb. lion

) 7. a. thinb. short

) 8. a. chineseb. science

) 9. a. go to bedb. go to school

) h**e lunch b. h**e breakfast

二、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号写在题前的括号中。(10分)

)1. a. my f**orite toy is a carb. my f**orite color is red.

)2. a. what are theyb. they’re lions.

)3. a. that monkey is fatb. this tree is short.

)4. like footballb. i don’t like basketball.

)5. a. what’s the time, pleaseb. i get up at seven o’clock.

三、判断下列**与所听内容是否相同,相同的画 , 不同的画 (10分)


) 1. i go to school at half past seven.

) 2. i h**e breakfast at seven o’clock.

) 3. what’s the time, please?

) 4. it’s five o’clock.

) 5. i h**e lunch at twelve o’clock.


) 1. what does she do in the afternoon?

a b ) 2. i don’t like fish.

ab ) 3. i like green dogs and red cats.

a b ) 4. that monkey is big and fat.

a b ) 5. what’s your f**orite toy?

ab 六、听音,涂色。(10分)


一、 根据**选择正确的单词填空。(10分)

elephant doll noodles football science


) 1. a. monkeyb. tigerc. pencil

) 2. a. appleb. treec. orange

) 3. a. noodlesb. skippingc. riding

) 4. a. fatb. elephantc. thin

) 5. a. chineseb. musicc. weekend


) you like meat, sam?

a. yes, she does. b. yes, i do.

) school what do you h**e?

h**e english. b. i like english.

) amy like noodles?

a. yes, she does. b. yes, she do.

) name is daming and likes lions.

a. sheb. he

) elephant is ,and the monkey is .

a. big, thinb. thin, big

四、 情景选择。(10分)

1.“我在周末打篮球”应该怎么说? 。

a. i play football at the weekend.

b. i play basketball at the weekend.

2. “amy在早上去游泳”应该怎么说? 。

a. amy goes swimming in the morning.

b. amy goes swimming in the afternoon.

3. “你在周末干什么?”应怎样问? 。

a. what do you do at the weekend?

b. what do you do at weekend?

4. “在学校里我有语文课。”应该怎么说? 。

a. i h**e chinese at school.

b. i h**e chinese at the school.

5. “在学校里你有什么课?”应该怎么说? 。

a. what do you has at school?

b. what do you h**e at school?

五、 从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏相对应的句子,将序号填入题前括号中。(10分)

) 1. here you area. it’s a tiger.

) 2. what’s thisb. thank you.

) 3. what’s your f**orite toy? c. my f**orite toy is a doll.

) 4. what’s the time, pleased. it’s nine o’clock.

) 5. what do you h**e at school? e. i h**e chinese and maths.

三年级英语下册教案 李爽

课题 unit 1 welcome back to school 第一课时 设计者 实验小学东校区李爽。教材 人教版三年级英语下册。课程标准 能根据教师指令做动作 做游戏 做事情。内容分析 本节课是本学期开学的第一课,教师可以充分利用生活情景介绍新来的学生。本节课是本单元的基础,重点是让学生听懂会说...


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三年级英语试题 李金红

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