
发布 2022-11-12 09:04:28 阅读 6965




一。listen and circle.用“○”圈出你所听到的物品。(6%)

5、 6、 二。

二。listen and draw. 根据录音要求,在物品上涂上相应的颜色。(分%)

三。listen and circle. 用“○”圈出与听到的内容相符的**。(8分)

1、 ab2、 ab

3、 a b4、 ab

四。listen and circle.用“○”圈出与你听到的内容相符的词。(20分)

1、 mike sarah chen jie 2、 9 6 8

3、 duck dog cat 4、 purple black blue

5、 body arm hand 6、 school ruler sharpener

7、 coke coffee tea 8、 cool great super

9、 one two three 10、pencil-case book eye


一。choose and colour.(给**选出正确的单词,并将其涂上颜色)(10分)

二read and colour (读读,找出每组中与其他不同类的单词,并涂上你喜欢的颜色)(5分)

1、a、red b、leg c、black

2、a、show b、touch c、foot

3、a、zoom b、ruler c、sarah(注把单词放在一个水果上面,不要选项)

4、a、bag b、duck c、bear

5、a、bread b、coffee c、juice


) 1. a. epn b. pen c. nep

) 2. a. face b. afce c. fece

) 3. a. inpk b. pink c. pnik

) 4. a. yellow b. yollew c. yellew

) 5. a. ereser b. eraser c. eraser

四.read and choose. (选择最佳答案)(10分)

( )1fine, thanks.

a. what’s your name? b. how are you? c. let’s go to school

( )2.—may i h**e a look?—_

a. thank you b. sure ,here you are like it

( )3.—_do you like? —i like hot dogs.

a. what b. who c. how

( )i h**e some chicken? —

a. really b. sure c. great

( )5.—h**e some milk. —

a. thank you b. bye c. see you

( )i h**e __french fries?

a. many b. some c. a

) 7. where is your nose

a. here, it is b. here you are c. here is it

( )8. happy birthday __you.

a. to b. with c. for

( )9. how___are you ? i’m eight

a. any b. old c. many

( )10.__gifts? —5.

a. what b. how many c. how old

五.read and choose.(从b栏中找出与a栏相应的答句)(10分)

ab ) 1. good morninga. thank you.

) 2. what’s your nameb. me, too.

) 3. see youc. sure , here you are .

) 4. happy birthdayd. good morning.

) 5. nice to meet youe. nice to meet you, too.

) 6. how old are you ? f. bye .

) 7. where’s your noseg. ok.

) 8. i like hot dogh. nine .

) 9. let’s go to schooli. my name is john.

) 10. can i h**e chicken ? j. here it is .

六、read and choose.情景反应。(10分)


a. who are you? b. how are youc. here you are.


a. me toob. nice to meet youc. good afternoon.

)3、john说:“i like green.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

a. greatb. my name’s bai ling. c. me too.


a. clap your hands. b. clap my hands. c. snap your fingers.


a. sit downb. good morningc. stand up.


a. can i h**e a hamburger? b. here you arec hello.


一 选出不同类的项。1.a.red b.dog c.black2 a.amy b.sam c.mother 3.a.pen b.pencil c.cake4 a.am b.is c.you 5 a.morning b.good c.afternoon 6 a.stand b.sit c.lingli...


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测。小学三年级英语。1 听力部分 60 i.listen and number.下面的小朋友你认识吗?听录音,给你听到的小朋友标上序号。and match.听录音,画线。and number.仔细观察下列 听录音,给你听到的物品标上序号。and writ...


育才辅导班三年级英语试题。一,给下列英文缩写选择相应的汉语意思。8分 ida.电视机。vipb.电视台。tvc.美国。cctvd.英国。usae.中华人民共和国。ukf.联合国。prcg.身份证。unh.贵宾卡。二 根据汉语意思填字母,把下列单词补充完整。10分 1.uice 果汁 2.ight 晚...