开放英语1形成性考核册答案 2019秋季班完整

发布 2022-10-29 08:13:28 阅读 6617


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1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的( )中,红色为参***。(每题2分,共10分)

a)1.— how old is the manager?

he is 35 years old.

a. right. b. wrong.

a)2.— what do they do?

they work in a bank.

a. right. b. wrong.

b)3.— would you like some crisps?

no, i’m sorry.

a. right. b. wrong.

b)4.— how much does the flat cost a month?

it’s on the tenth floor.

a. right. b. wrong.

a)5.— could you sign the register, please?.

of course.

a. rightb. wrong.



( b )6. hefor an it company.

a. workb. works c. working

( a )7. i h**e coffee __breakfast time.

a. atb. inc. on

( c )8name is wanghua.

a. he b. he’s c. his

( c )9. she is __only accountant in my son's company.

a. ab. anc. the

( c )10. maria often has a walk with __parents in the morning.

a. sheb. theirc. her

( b )11you got any family?

a. dob. h**e c. has

( b ) 12. he’s responsiblethe central computer system.

a. inb. for c. of

c )13. the business banking department is on __floor.

a. second b. the two c. the second

( c )14. wang li isa new marketing campaign at the moment.

a. planb. planing c. planning

c )15. polly enjoys __the guitar in a band in her free time.

a. playb. to play c. playing

b )16. therethree plants in the corners of the room.

a. isb. arec. h**e

a )17. i work init department oflarge bank.

a. the, a b. a, thec. a, a

b )18. what __nr" mean?

a. isb. doesc. do

b )19. i sometimes go to the pub __friday.

a. inb. onc. at

a ) 20people are my friendspeople are my husband's friends.

a. these, those b. this, thatc. here, there

b )21. hein beijing, but his parentsin hangzhou.

a. live, lives b. lives, live c. live, live

a )22. my husband doesn'tbut i like it very much.

a. like shopping b. likes shopping c. likes to shop

c )23are you from?

i’m from nanjing.

a. whatb. whenc. where

c )24. helunch in the canteen right now.

a. hasb. h**ec. is h**ing

a )25. _children has his brother got?

a. how many b. how muchc. how about


26. he is a manager.

is he a manager?

27. she usually goes to work by bus.

does she usually go to work by bus?

28. there are fifty students in the class.

are there fifty students in the class?

29. they h**e a large house.

h**e they a large house? /do you h**e a large house?

30. he’s currently working on tv advertisements.

is he currently working on tv advertisements?


31一35小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(right),还是错误(wrong),并将答案写在各题前( )中。(每题2分,共10分)

hi, rob!

you want to know about my new boyfriend.

his name is d**id manning. he lives in london and he’s british. his parents are from london, but they live in oxford.

he is 34 years old. he’s an it manager and he works for abhk bank.

he’s lovely, of course.

see you on thursday.

love, polly

b)31. rob is polly’s new boyfriend.

a. right b. wrong

a)32. d**id is british.

a. right. b. wrong.

a)33. d**id’s parents are british.

a. right. b. wrong.

b) 34. d**id’s parents live in london.

a. rightb. wrong.

b)35. d**id works at a university.

a. rightb. wrong.


xiaoyan tells d**id about the people she works with.

d**id: so who do you usually work with in shanghai?

xiaoyan: i work in an office with three other people, jung, lee and liu – they are the marketing department and i am their it expert.

d**id: do you like it there?

xiaoyan: yes, they’re great people. lee is the sales manager.

he is responsible for 25 sales people in china. he’s planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment, but he’s visiting the new york office right now.

d**id: what about the others?

xiaoyan: liu is the advertising manager. he’s responsible for the advertising.

he’s currently working on tv advertisements. actually, he’s on holiday in bali right now.

d**id: so the office is empty at the moment.

xiaoyan: oh no. jung is always there.

she’s the secretary. she’s responsible for the office.

at the moment she’s working on new databases. but actually – it’s 1.00 o’clock in the morning in shanghai, so i think she’s sleeping right now.

b)36. how many people does xiaoyan work with in shanghai?

a. two.

b. three.


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