
发布 2022-09-07 19:55:28 阅读 4632

as an airport skycap checked through a customer at curbside, he accidentally knocked over theman's luggage.


he quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for the mishap. unappeased, the tr**elerburst into an angry tirade, raging and swearing at the skycap for his clumsiness.

他赶快收拾起掉落的行李,并且为他的过失道歉。然而那个旅客一点不领情,他大发脾气,言辞激烈, 粗暴地骂那个行李员笨拙。

throughout the tr**eler's rant, the baggage handler simply apologized and smiled. the angryman continued to berate the skycap, until he finally headed off to catch his plane.


even then the baggage handler remained calm and passively smiled.


the next customer in line witnessed the incident and marveled at the skycap's professionalismand control.


i h**e never seen such restraint and humility," he said. "how do you keep your cool whensomebody is attacking you so viciously?"

我从没见过如此的克制与谦卑。”他说, “当别人这么恶毒的攻击你时,你是怎么保持冷静的?”

it's easy," the skycap answered. "he's going to denver, but his bags are going to detroit."


that is certainly one way of managing attitudes, but here is a more constructive you heard of the a-b-c method of managing your attitude? it's ****** and effective.


a" stands for the "activating event." let's say you get stuck in traffic. the traffic jam is theactivating event.


b" stands for your "belief system." you believe that traffic is only getting worse and you'll h**emore and more days like this ahead.

b”表示你的“信念系统”。你相信交通会越来越糟,以后像这样的日子会越来越多,c" stands for the "consequence of the event." you become angry.

you want to honk yourhorn. your stomach is tied in knots and you bang the dashboard with your fist.

c”代表“事件结果”。你开始生气,你想要鸣汽车喇叭, 你的胃扭成了一团,你用拳头使劲砸仪表盘。

the problem is...most people jump directly from "a" to "c." they get stuck in traffic and becomeangry.

they think the traffic jam made them upset. they don't realize that they didn't h**e toget angry. they skipped an important step!


let's try it again:


a" -you get stuck in traffic.

a” 一你遇到塞车。

b" -you believe that you were given some unexpected and extra time to spend in solitsaying, "a traffic jam has no power to make us angry. it juststops our car." he is aware that between the activating event and the consequence issomething that we control:

our beliefs about what is happening.

我有个朋友总喜欢说:“塞车本身没有让我们发怒的鹰力, 它只是让车子停下来而已。”他知道在引发事件和结果之间的东西是我们所能控制的,即对于正在发生的事情的看法。

the next time you h**e a problem --at home or at work, big or small --decide to manage yourattitude toward it. practice the a-b-c method.


you probably can't change "a," the activating event. but try changing "b," your beliefs aboutthe problem. when you change your beliefs, you also change "c," the consequences of thesituation.

试试这个“a-b-c” 法,也许你改变不了 “a”,那个引发事件,但是试着把握“b”, 你对这个问题的信念。当你改变了信念,你也就改变了 “c”, 亊情的结果。

it's as ****** as a-b-c. manage your beliefs, and you'll manage to be a lot happier!


励志的英语美文:镜中的女人when i was 11, i found out i had a brain tumor. i had surgery to remove it, but the size andlocation of the tumor caused my optic nerve to atrophy.

for three years afterward, i hadpartial sight, but my ophthalmologist told me that eventually i would go blind.


at the end of my 14th year, doctors pronounced me legally blind and said there was nothingthat could be done. i had a 5 percent chance of surviving the tumor, and i did, but somehow icould never deal with the fact that i was going blind. i tried to beh**e as if everything were justfine.

when it happened, i was devastated.


my dad left us when i was 15, and i took that really hard. because of that, and because i wasblind on top of it, my greatest fear was that no one was ever going to love me, that i wouldnever get married and h**e kids and a full life. i was afraid of being alone, and i guess that iswhat i thought blindness meant.


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