
发布 2022-07-23 15:24:28 阅读 4120

1. how often 引导的特殊疑问句。

how often do you do sth ?意为“你多久做一某事?”该句型常用来询问某动作隔多久进行一次,即询问中间隔的时间长度、动作发生的频率。

常见的答语是:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, three times a day, once a week, every day 等。 如:

---how often do you hike with your friends ? 你隔多久和你的朋友去远足一次?

---every friday . 每周五。

---how often do you clean your room ? 你多长时间打扫一次你的房间?

---often. 经常。

2. what do you/does he/she do on/in……?句型。

what do you/does he/she do on/in……?你/他/她在……(时间)做什么?这是询问某人在某时通常干什么的句型。

答语通常为i/we +动词原形+其他成分或he/she+动词的第三人称单数形式+其他成分。如:

---what do you do on sundays? 你在星期天干什么?

---i often clean my house on sundays? 我星期天经常打扫我的房子。

---what does your father do after supper? 你爸爸晚饭后干什么?

---he usually goes for a walk. 他通常取散步。


1. the teacher hardly gives us a test.

the teacher give you a test?

2. i never get up before five o’clock?

do you get up before five o’clock?

3. li tao often has rice for lunch.

li tao often __for lunch?

4. i usually read english in the morning.

you usually __in the morning?

5. my mother goes to see my grandparents twice a month.

your mother __to see your grandparents?

答案:1. how often does 2. how often 3. what does h**e 4. what do do

5. how often does go


情态动词should和can ,may ,must一样,没有人称和数的变化,有词意,但都不能单独作谓语,必须和后面的动词原形一起构成谓语。基本意思是“应当,应该”,常用来表示建议或命令等。如:

you should work harder. 你应该更努力地工作。

否定式和疑问式的构成与can ,may ,must一样。如:

you shouldn’t play soccer in the street. 你们不应该在街上踢足球。

who should pay the taxi driver? 谁应该付出租车钱?

注意:常用句型you should /shouldn’t do sth 表示“建议某人(不)做某事”。其他表示“建议”的句型还有:

why not do sth? /why don’t you do sth? /how about doing sth?

/what about doing sth? /it’s a good idea to do sth /you’d better do sth等。

一. 单项填空。

1. wekeep the new traffic law(交通法).

a. may b. should c. cand. need

2. i’d like to buy a new shirt , but i don’t know

a. where could buy itb. i should take which

c. which i should take d. where can i get it

二. 写出同义表达。

why not h**e a rest?

1) whyh**e a rest?

2) you’da rest.

3) youa rest

4h**ing a rest?

答案:1. b 2. c

1) don’t you (2) better h**e (3) should h**e (4)what/how about



1. 某些表示位置移动的动词,如:go,come,le**e,arrive等,其现在进行时可表示将来的动作。如。

my father is le**ing for nanjing tomorrow. 我爸爸将明天动身去南京。

i’m going camping next week. 我下周要去野营。

2. 除表示位置移动的动词外,还有很多动词,其现在进行时也可表示将要发生的动作。尤其是按计划、安排等要发生的动作。如。

we’re visiting our aunt this afternoon. 今天下午我们将去拜访我们的姑姑。

一. 用所给动词的现在进行时填空

1. she___go ) sightseeing next weekend.

2. iplan ) to spend time in the beautiful countryside.

3. -what are you doing for vacation?

---igo )camping with my parents.

4. look, the buscome )

5youdo ) anything special ()tonight?

6. whenyoule**e) for beijing?

7. theyrelax) at home during national day.

8. tonight, werent ) videos and watching a lot.

9. imeet ) you after class.

二. 单项填空。

your friendthis evening or tomorrow evening?

a. do ; arrive b. does ; arrive c. is ; arriving d. are ; arriving

答案:1. is going 2. am planning 3. am going 4. is coming 5. are, doing

6. are, le**ing 7. are relaxing 8. are renting 9. am meeting



1.“take + 限定词 + 交通工具名称”。 如:

---how does your father go to tibet? 你爸爸怎样去**? -he takes the train. 他乘火车。

---how does lily get to school? 莉莉怎样去上学? -she takes the subway. 她乘地铁。

2.“by + 交通工具名称”,泛指乘坐某种交通工具。注意:该短语中交通工具名称前不加任何限定词。如:

---how do you go to the cinema? 你怎样去电影院i go by taxi. 我乘出租车去。

---how does your brother go to school? 你哥哥怎样去上学?--he goes to school by bike. 他骑自行车去上学。

3.“in /on + 限定词 + 交通工具名称”,可表达所乘的具体的交通工具。如:

---how does li lei go to work every day? 李雷每天怎样去上班?

---he goes to work in his car. 他自己开车去上班。

---how did you go to school this morning? 今天早晨你是怎样去上学的?

---i went to school on my father’s bike. mine is broken. 我骑我爸爸的自行车去的,我的自行车坏了。

4.“动词 + to + 地点名词”,常用的动词有walk ,ride ,drive ,fly 。如:

he rides to his uncle’s home. 他骑车去他叔叔家。 my aunt drives to work every day. 我姑姑每天驾车上班。


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