
发布 2022-05-15 19:53:28 阅读 6445




a. 写出下列单词的反义词。


b. 英汉互译。

1. 一位和蔼的老师2. a thin monkey

3. 一位滑稽的人4. a tall lady

5. 一位老人6. a strong man


( )1. a. black b. green c. old d. yellow

( )2. a. thin b. short c. tall d. four

( )3. a. art b. bread c. music d. science

( )4. a. classroom b. library c. gym d. young

( )5. a. tall b. young c. like d. short


( )1. —is your father strict?

yesbut he’s very

a. he is; kind b. he isn’t; kind c. he is; kind

( )2. her class isfun.

a. so b. very much c. so much

) 3you h**e new teacher?

yes, we h**e a new math teacher.

a. do b. are c. can

( )4your english teacher?

miss white.

a. what’s b. who’s c. where’s

5he like?

he’s tall and thin.

a. how’s b. what’s c. who’s


1. our math teacher is veryhe knows many things.

2. the giraffe has a neck.

3. the grandma is and the baby is very .

4. the rabbit’s tail is very .

5. the elephant is veryand the monkey is .

6. our principal is 160 cm. but his wife is . she’s 170 cm.


( )1. she’s our principal.

a.老师 b.班长 c.校长。

( )2. can you play the piano?

a.钢琴 b.风琴 c.小提琴。

( )3. my teacher is very strong.

a.和蔼的 b.瘦弱的 c.强壮的。


1. is he activea. he is young.

2. what’s he likeb. yes, she is.

3. is she smartc. mr zhao.

4. who’s your english teacherd. cool.

5. he is strict. but he is very kind. e. no, he is quiet.


is she old?

yes, but she’s very kind.

she’s our teacher, who is she? guess!

is she strict?

oh, she’s miss wu. our math teacher.

no, she’s young.



your english teacher


he isand


he’sbut he’s very .


weaenglish teacher.


she is our art teacher. she’s


1.is active he(连词成句)

2. mr li is my teacher.(对画线部分提问)

3. yes. she is, but she’s very kind.(译成中文)

4. who’s your english teacher? (按实际回答)


i h**e a classmate. his name is jim. he likes playing the piano.

he likes reading story book, too. he is popular. he’s very kind to us.

he’s tall and thin. he is a handsome(英俊) boy. so we all like him.

( )1. my classmate’s name is tom.

( )2. he likes playing the piano.

( )3. he’s kind to us.

( )4. he’s a handsome boy.

( )5. we don’t like him.


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