
发布 2022-05-15 02:41:28 阅读 4208


一、 抄写下列单词(6分)


quick your know footmonkeychick

二、 看图找出所含字母,写在四线三格内(10分)(每图一个)

三、 看图选出正确的单词,把序号填到题前括号内(10分)

aa. pandab.

ba. bearb. birdc. panda

ca. elephant b. peachc. apple

da. pandab. patc. bear

ea. birdb. beec. hen

fa. birdb. jetc. bee

ga. catb. dogc. ball

ha. frogb. monkey c. panda

ia. patb. dadc. bat

ja. bellb. wellc. tell

四、 **匹配连线(10分)

五、 写出下列字母的邻居。(10分)


六、 看图把单词在四线三格内(20分)

七、 选择正确答案(20分)

a) (上学路上,见到eve,你就说:

a. hi, eveb. byec. how old are you?

b) (想知道书包是什么?应怎样问:

a. this is a bagb. yes. a bagc. is this a bag?

c) (早上见到教师问好,你说:

a. goodbyeb. hic. good morning, mr. li.

d) (想知道熊猫的颜色问:

a. what color is the panda? b. what’s the panda? c. it’s black and white.

e) (妈妈和王教师初次见面,他们应该怎样问好?

a. how are youb. how old are you? c. how do you do?

f) (你想问小明手里的东西,用英语怎么说?

a. is this a capb. what’s this? c. no. it’s a map.

g) (同学帮助了你,你表示感谢,同学怎么说:

a. thank youb. not at allc. bye.

h) (班里新来了一个同学,你想知道他的名字,应问:

a. how are youb. how do you do? c. what’s your name?

i) (你想问问路,应先给别人说:

a. excuse meb. how are you? c. hi.

j) (见到叔叔有礼貌地问好,叔叔夸你说:

a. how are youb. how nice you are! c. goodbye.

八、 阅读涂色(8分)

red green



blue white



九、 找出对应的答句,把序号填在题前括号内。(6分)

)1. what’s in your bag? a. yes, i am.

)2. can you see a ball? b. a hat.

)3. a banana for you. c. fine, thanks.

)4. how old are you? d. yes, i can.

)5. how are youe. thank you.

)6. are you newf. i’m ten.


6 hello,betty andy a good bye.b good night.c hi.7 betty,this is andy.andybetty hi,andy.hi,betty.a you are b i am c this is 8 hello,peter,this is lucy....


一 笔试部分。1 connect the following 20分 giraffe 短裙one9 camel 礼帽five2 cat长颈鹿 eight4 shoes草莓nine10 hat苹果two5 watermelon 鞋seven1 strawberry 骆驼ten8 peach猫three...


班级姓名得分。一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。14分 eehhjjvv yyllnnss ppbb二 给下面的单词分类,将序号填在横线上。15分 egg brown panda pencil bag yellow cake duck bread red erasermonkey blue rice ru...