
发布 2022-03-28 03:00:28 阅读 6898


listening part

. listen and choose. 听录音,选择相符的**。(12分)

1. abc.

3. abc.

4. abc. [

. listen and judge. 听录音,判断所给句子正(t)误(f)。(10分)

)1. linda likes to play basketball.

)2. we can see many fish in the river.

)3. tom can cool meals.

)4. mary would like some onions and cabbage.

)5. kate’s f**ourite animals are rabbits.

. listen and match. 听录音,将人物与活动连线。(8分)


a. 玩电脑(无头) b. 做作业(无头) c. d. 去游乐园玩(无头)

reading and writing part

. read and choose. 选择画线部分发音不同的单词。(5分)

)1. a. meat b. headc. bread

)2. a. how b. tomorrow c. throw

)3. a. map b. sadc. name

)4. a. girlb. furc. horse

)5. a. butb. duckc. use

. read and circle. 圈出每组中不同类的单词。 (5分)

1. a. art b. science c. music d. sky

2. a. young b. funny c. thin d. clock

3. a potato b. tomato c. cabbage d. fork

4. a. sweet b. sour c. salty d. fruit

5. a bedroom b. kitchen c. bathroom d. flat

. read and choose. 选择合适的一项。(8分)

)1. my math teacher ishe is thin and young.

a. mr zhang b. mrs li c. miss zhao

)2. i h**efor breakfast.

a. eggs b. chinese c. a mirror

)3. the little boy cana computer.

a. useb. uses c. using

)4. —is mary quiet? —no, she isn’t. she is very

a. strictb. kind c. active

)5. there some juice in the bottle .

a. isb. are c. am

)6. i often __books and __tv in the evening.

a. see, watch b. read, see c. read, watch

)7. the tall boy sitsme in the classroom. i can’t see the blackboard.

a. behind b. over c. in front of

)8. i __tuesday, but amywednesday.

a like, likes b like, like c likes, likes

. choose and fill in the blanks. 选词填空,完成句子。(12分)

1. my grandparents live in a small

2. the football player is very

3. there are many tallin our city.

4. i’d like tofu and __for dinner.

5. i like the fish. it’s

6. alice puts the clothes into the

. look, read and choose. 看图,选择与**相符的句子。(5分)

)1. 图:猫在椅子上面小鸟站在自行车上。

a. —where is the cat? —it’s under the chair.

b. —is there a bird? —yes, there is. it is on the bike.

)2. 一男孩做饭哭脸,该男孩洗盘子笑脸。

a. bill can cook meals and do the dishes.

b. bill can do the dishes but he can’t cook meals.

a. —what’ s the date today? —its’ november second.

b. —what day is tomorrow? —tomorrow is sunday.

a. —is there a boat in the river? —no, there isn’t.

b. —can the girl swimyes, she can.

( )5. 修图:路上很多小汽车。

a. —what’s this? —this is a path. we can see many flowers.

b. —is that a river? —no, it isn’t. that is a road. there are many cars.

. read and choose. 选择合适的句子,补全对话。(10分)

hi, tim

i like

no, i don’t. i don’t like sports.

english. it’s easy. and i like my english teacher.

it’s miss white.

she is pretty and smart. her english class is fun.

. look and answer. 看图,回答问题。(10分)

1. is there a path in the park?

2. what’s over the river?

3. can the boy fly a kite?

4. are there any grass in the park?


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