
发布 2022-03-28 02:55:28 阅读 4182






一、 listen and choose. (听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里) 5%

) 1. a. tuesday b. thursday c. wednesday

) 2. a. mountain c. curtain

) 3. a. missb. mrsc. mr.

) 4. a. closet b. clothesc. clouds

) 5. a. pathb. parkc. pork

二、listen and number(听录音, 标序号) 10%

三、listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答案) 10%

) 1. a. i like beefb. i’d like beef. c. i don’t like beef.

) 2. a. yes, he is. b. no, he is. c. yes, she is.

) 3. a. yes, they are . b. no, there aren’t. c. no, there are.

) 4. a. mondayb. mathc. miss wu.

) 5. a. she can sweep the floorb. he can sweep the floor.

c. she often sweeps the floor.

四、listen and judge(听短文判断下列句子正误,与录音内容一致的在括号内写“t”;不一致的写“f” )10%

) 1. bananas are monkey's f**ourite food.

) 2. rabbit don't like grapes.

) 3. zip likes carrots. they're fresh and healthy.

) 4. zoom likes vegetables.

) 5. today cat would like some fish for lunch.

五、listen and write(听一听, 写一写) 5%

hello! i’m amy. i’m thin andmy f**ourite day isbecause we h**e tofu and __for lunch that day.

i often watch tv and __books at home. i’m helpful at home. i can cook the meals.

look! there is a big __and many colorful(色彩缤纷的) flowers near my house! how nice!


六、read and choose (选出划线部分读音不同的一个)5%

1、( a. wait b. paint c. day d. apple

2、( a. chair b. plant c. hair d. air

3、( a. class b. bag c. pass d. glass

4、( a. school b. boots c. cookd. cool

5、( a. greatb. eat c. read d. beat

七、look and choose(选择与划线部分相同类别的单词,把序号填在前面的括号内)10%

) 1. we h**e english on wednesdays.

a. thursdays b. play ping-pong c. violin d. sing

) 2. he is thin.

a. tasty b. footballc. tall d. tofu

) 3. i like cucumbers. they are fresh.

a. eggplant b. tuesdayc. f**ourite d. healthy

) 4. i often read books on sundays.

a. principal b. do homework c. fruit d. grapes

) 5. eggplant is my f**ourite food.

a. do housework b. tomorrow c. cabbage d. sweet

八、read and choose the right answer(单项选择)10%

) 1. —your math teacher?

—mr. zhao.

a. what'sb. who'sc. where's

) 2. —what's he like?

he's __

a. funnyb. func. principal

) 3. i watch tvsaturdays.

a. onb. atc. in

) 4. —tomorrow is tuesday ,what day is it today?

today is

a. mondayb. saturdayc. wednesday

) 5. —is she quiet?

a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she isc. no, she isn't.

) 6. what do you h**e on tuesdays?

a. today is tuesday. b. we h**e cabbage and tofu for lunch.

c. we h**e computer, and math.

) 7. i don't like grapes. they are __

a .sweetb. sourc. healthy

) 8. theremany small houses in my village.

a. isb. arec. h**e

) 9. —are you helpful at home?

a. yes, i am. b. yes, i can. c. yes, i do.

) 10. are there any tall buildings in the village ?

a. no, there aren’t. b. yes, there is. c. no, there isn’t.

九、put the words in right order(连词成句)10%

1. is he and tall thin (

2. you thursdays do h**e what on (

3. is a bed there my in room (

4. any fish are there river in the (

5. can i the sweep floor (

十、read and find(读一读, 找答语)10%

十一、read,answer and write. (读短文,回答问题并填空。)15%


一填空。每空1分,共21分 2 小数除法的商都小于被除数。3 两个面积相等的三角形可以拼成一个平行四边形。4 当长方形和平行四边形的周长相等时,面积也相等。5 含有未知数的等式叫做方程。三 认真辨析,合理选择。5分 62公顷 平方米2时45分 时2.03公顷 公顷 平方米2 根据321 23 738...


一 填空。6的商用循环小数表示是精确到十分位是。小时45分小时,30平方米平方分米。3 小方买了a支钢笔,每支5.3元,她付了20元,应找回元。当a 3时,应找回元。4 小林的平均步长是0.7米,他从家到学校往返一趟走了820步,他的家离学校米。5 袋子里放了3个红球,5个黄球,2个白球,摸到红球的...


品德与社会部分。一 我当小法官。对的在题后的括号里打 错的在括号里打 1.牧业为人们提供了粮食 蔬菜 水果等基本食品。2.电器制造业工人的辛勤付出使彩电 冰箱 空调等走进了千家万户。3.明明在自己家吃饭从不浪费,在吃自助餐时总是吃一半剩一半。4.双休日到了,浩浩躺在沙发上不分昼夜地看电视。5.国家规...