
发布 2022-01-13 07:17:28 阅读 5577

1. what is the man's brother doing?

a. doing business. b. studying law. c. working as an engineer.

2. when will the woman pick up julia?

a. at five o'clock. b. at seven o'clock. c. at eight o'clock.

3. how will the woman go to the football match?

a. on foot. b.by car. c.by bus.

4. what's the man doing?

a. giving advice. b. ****** a request. c. offering help.

5. why does the girl feel excited?

a. she has won the first place.

b. she has got new running shoes.

c. she has been chosen for the race.

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共1 5分)




6. how old is the man's little brother?

a.8. b.1 0. c.1 2.

7. where does the conversation take place?

a. in a cafe. b. in a shopc. at a gym.


8. what is the possible relationship between the speakers?

a. coach and player. b. director and secretary. c. headmaster and student.

9. how is the man feeling?

a. annoyed. b. awkwardc. regretful.

听第8段材料,回答第1 0至1 2题。

10. who are probably the listeners?

a. old customersb. old colleagues. c. old classmates.

11. when will the listeners h**e a chance to enjoy some music?

a. at 8 : 30 pm. b. at 9 : 00 pmc. at 10 : 00 am.

12. what do we know about the dinner?

a. it will be served before a slicle show.

b. the dinner has been arranged in the park.

c. all the dishes are prepared by some guests.

听第9段材料,回答第1 3至1 5题。

13. what was the woman in the past?

a. a designer. b.a nurse. c. a painter.

14. why did the woman le**e her job?

a. because it was less challenging.

b. because she wanted a total change.

c. because she was not in good health.

15. what does the woman think of her present work?

a. it gives her lots of confidence.

b. it brings in regular payments.

c. it puts less pressure on her.



下列词语中加点地字,读音全都正确地一组是 大纲版 颀长 悚然 彰善瘅恶 韬光养晦 人寰 攫取 寻瑕伺隙 啮臂为盟 抵牾 横亘 造福桑梓 筋疲力尽 鞭挞 骨骼 辗转反侧 蜚声中外 下列词语中,字形和加点字地读音全部都正确地一项是 北京卷 辍笔谈笑风生间或 李代桃僵 针灸仗义执言蹙额 毛骨悚然 蹂躏再接...


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