
发布 2021-10-16 17:44:28 阅读 2468

1.您的性别是?( what is your gender?

a男 (male)

b 女 (female)

2.你的月收入或生活费是多少?( how much is your monthly income or the cost of living?

a 500以下(less than 500)

b 500-800

c 800-1200

d 1200以上 (more than 1200)

3、您喜欢旅游吗?( do you like tr**eling?

a喜欢 (like it)

b 不喜欢 (dislike it)

c 无所谓 (it doesn't matter)

4、你出游的地点一般会是( )where do you usually tr**el?

a本市 (in this city)

b本省 (in the provinc)

c全国 (domestic)

d国外 (the global)

5、你一般准备或者选择什么时间出游?( what time do you usually prepare or choose to tr**el?

a五一或者十一**周 (may 1 or national day golden week)

b寒暑假 (summer and winter vacation)

c周末 (weekends)

d其他 (others)

6、您出游的频率一般是一年多少次( )which one is the frequency of your trip generally about a year

a还没有出游过(has not tr**eled)

b一到两次 (once or twice)

c三到五次 (three to five times)


7、您每次出游的平均消费水平一般是( )the **erage consumption level for each trip is

a 500元以下 (below 500 yuan)

b 500~1000元 (500~1000 yuan)

c 1000~3000元 (1000~3000 yuan)

d 3000元以上 (more than 3000 yuan)

8.每年用于旅游的花费大概是多少?( how much does it cost to tr**el every year? (

a 200元以下 (below 200 yuan)

b 200-500元 (200~500 yuan)

c 500-1000元 (500~1000 yuan)

d 1000元以上(more than 1000 yuan)

9.您出游的目的?(可以多选) what's the purpose of your visit? (can choose more)

a休闲娱乐,缓解工作学习中的压力 (leisure entertainment, alleviate the pressure in work and study)

b结交朋友,希望在旅途中增加人脉 (to make friends, hope to increase contacts)

c游览祖国的大好河山,增长见识 (trip to visit the motherland's great rivers, enrich their knowledge)

d喜欢拍照摄影、写生绘画等 (like photograph, and sketch painting)

e没有目的,就是想出去走走(has no purpose, just want to go out for a walk)

10、您放弃旅游的最主要因素是( )the main factor in your abandonment of tourism is ()

a距离太远 (is too far away.)

b花费太高 (is too expensive.)

c交通不便 (traffic inconvenience)

d无人陪同 (no one to accompany)

11、您倾向的旅游景点的类型是( )the type of tourist attractions you prefer is ()

a名胜古迹 (scenic spot)

b红色旅游 (red tourism)

c游乐场 (playground)

d海滨沙滩 (beach beach)

e 青山绿水 (green mountain green water)

12、您获取旅游信息的**是( )the source of your tourist information is ()

a电视旅游节目 (tv tr**el program)

b报纸杂志 (news*****s and magazines)

c网络宣传 (network publicity)

d旅游团推荐 (tour group recommended)

e其他 (other)

13、你喜欢的出游方式( )the way you like to go for a trip( )

a跟团出游 (package tour)

b自助游 (diy tour)

c和家人一起 (a tour with the family)

d 和亲戚朋友 (tr**el with friends and relatives)

e 其他 (other)

14、在旅游的过程你认为可收获什么(可多选)( what do you think can be harvested in the course of tourism(multiple choices)

a开拓视野 (broaden the horizon)

b释放压力 (release pressure)

c结交朋友 (associate friends)

d增进感情 (enhance the connection between people)

e品尝美食 (taste the gourmet)

f购物 (shopping)

15、在旅游过程中你喜欢把钱花在(可多选)( where do you like to spend your money in the course of the tour(multiple choices)(

a住宿 (accommodation)

b餐饮(restaurant )


d交通 (traffic)

e购物 (shopping)

f娱乐 (entertainment)

16、您出游时会购买景点的纪念品吗?( will you buy a souvenir from the scenic spots when you go on a trip?


b一般不买(generally not to buy )

c视**而定(depending on the price)

17.您对大学生旅游的态度是?( what is your attitude towards college student tourism?

a提倡,可以丰富大学生活,增广见闻(advocating, can enrich the university life, augment knowledge )

b一般,大学生旅游可有可无(generally, college students tourism is not essential)

c不提倡,大学生旅游影响学习,增加经济负担 (it's not encouraging, because college students tourism not only affects learning but also increases economic burden)

18.您认为阻碍大学生出游的最大问题是?( what do you think is the biggest problem that hinders the tourism of college students?

a资金不足(lack of funds)

b闲暇时间不足(lack of leisure time)

c缺少同伴(lack of companions)

d以上都有 (all of the above)

19.您参加旅行社组团看重的是什么?( what do you think of the tr**el agency you take part in?

a旅游线路和景点安排合理(tourist routes and scenic spots are arranged reasonably)

b住宿和交通便宜(lodging and transportation are cheap)

c有导游讲解,对景点了解更加深入(there is a guide to explain, more deep understanding of the scenic spots)

d害怕迷路,或者其他原因(fear of getting lost, or other reasons)

20、您怎样看待国际的旅游资源?( what do you think of the international tourism resources?)

a没什么发展潜力(there is no potential for development)

b发展空间不大(less space for development)

c 基本满意(basic satisfaction)

d 有发展潜力 (h**e potential for development)


调查问卷模板 xx乡村旅游调查问卷。尊敬的朋友 您好!非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间填写本问卷!本问卷专为研究xx乡村旅游而设计,不署名,不涉及任何商业性和个人隐私,您的真实填写对于我们的研究至关重要,请您协助我们填写这份调查问卷,选择符合您情况的项目即可。谢谢您的真诚合作。1.您一年旅游次数 a.1...


骏江实业旅游的调查问卷。我们正在进行一次关于现代旅游方面的市场调查,希望了解您对旅游的真实看法,只需要耽误您十几分钟的时间,麻烦您帮忙填写一下。非常感谢!1 您喜欢旅游吗?a喜欢 b 不喜欢 c 无所谓 2 你出游的地点一般会是 a本市 b本省 c全国 d国外。3 你一般准备或者选择什么时间出游?a...


电工二部员工旅游调查问卷。dear all,一年一度的公司旅游正在筹备中,为了能更好的了解大家的需求,特别准备的这份调查问卷,希望大家认真填写,公司会参考大家填写意向制定今年的旅游计划。旅游时间计划在2015年5月底 2015年6月初。备注 1.参加公司活动,请遵守公司统一安排 2.报名参加公司最终...