
发布 2021-10-09 23:42:28 阅读 2964





李彦伯:honorable teachers, dear fellow students, good morning! in this beautiful day, we come back to our school to begin the new semester.

the topic for our speech is: golden autumn, lets set our dreams free!


王心笛:today, we come back to our beautiful school again, and meet our dearest teachers and fellow students. standing here, on this green playground, our hearts full of joy!

after two months silence, our school become alive instantly.


周凌鹤:we see more than 200 students h**e joined us, and we see the smiles on their face. in this, we feel that we are growing up, and our school is growing stronger.


耿大有:childhood is a magic world, there are full of new ideas, new methods, new feelings, new projects, new experiences, new logics and new actiongs.


王一鸣:childhood is full of happiness, we h**e lots of dreams. in the future, we might be adept in swimming like michael phelps; we might be another fastest usain bolt; we might be the chinese“black horse”liu zige; we might be giant yao; we might be another kobe……


魏欣彤:in the classroom, we are learning from our teachers. we also learns from many different activities, and we h**e wonderful lessons.


杨晨雨:on the stage, we sing together and dance together. hand-in-hand, we build up and enjoy our companionate friendship bridge.


孙泽琦:in this golden season, we are going to study hard. in this race with time, we are going to walk more faster and decisively.


周怡然:we will remember all the teachers devoted themselves to us; and the competitions between our students will be more intensely.

卫相岑;in xiuwen school, we are like a family. we are growing up with passion and dream.


亲爱的同学们,下面是9月1日开学典礼时我们班的演讲稿,希望你们认真背诵。金秋,我们放飞梦想。20xx 20xx学年第一学期开学典礼演讲稿。翟乃长 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们 大家好!秋风习习,秋阳高照,伴着清脆而熟悉的铃声,我们又迎来了新的学期。今天,我们班演讲的题目是 金秋,我们放飞梦想。李彦伯...

典礼演讲稿 开学典礼演讲稿《金秋,我们放飞梦想

亲爱的同学们,下面是9月1日开学典礼时我们班的演讲稿,希望你们认真背诵。金秋,我们放飞梦想。学年第一学期开学典礼演讲稿。翟乃长 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们 大家好!秋风习习,秋阳高照,伴着清脆而熟悉的铃声,我们又迎来了新的学期。今天,我们班演讲的题目是 金秋,我们放飞梦想。李彦伯 honorabl...


梦想启航浪花闪光。尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们 告别愉快的暑假,回到欢乐的校园,见到熟悉的老师,熟悉的同学,倍感亲切,校园真好,和同学们一起学习 成长真好!分离了两个月,同学见面纷纷讲起自己的暑假生活。有的在家帮爸爸妈妈打理家务,有的到科技馆去参观学习,有的一家人去旅游考察,有的参加夏令营活动,还有...