家长助教邀请函 the invitation
亲爱的家长朋友:您好!dear parents:
为了丰富孩子的幼儿园生活,扩大孩子的知识面,提供给各位家长一个面对面交流的平台,本学期我园将开展“家长助教 ”活动。我们邀请家长朋友参与我们的教育队伍中,零距离的与孩子交往,成为孩子们的家长老师,走进孩子们的课堂。如果你是一名警察,可以来给孩子讲讲大人不在家,孩子怎样保护自己;如果你是一名建筑师,可以来给孩子讲讲怎么建漂亮的房子;如果你是一名医生,可以给孩子讲讲救护方面的知识;总之,每一个家长都是我们孩子们扩大视野的有利资源,请您把握好这次机会,体验与孩子一起学习、游戏的快乐,让孩子们在妈妈老师、爸爸老师的帮助下收获更多,同时也能让孩子为自己有一位老师妈妈、爸爸(老师)而感到自豪!
hello! in order to enrich the child's kindergarten life, enlarge the knowledge of children. give parents a face-to-face communication platform, this semester i will conduct " parents teaching assistant" activities.
we invite parents to be teacher assistant into the children's classroom. if you are policeman, you will teach the children how to protect themselves when parents are not at home; if you are an architect, you can help us to tell children about how to build a beautiful house; if you are a doctor, you can help us give the children something about rescue knowledge; in short, every parents are our children advantageous resources of enlarge eye shot, please grasp the opportunity, experience with children learning, the joy of the game, let the children learn more with parents help, at the same time, let the child feel proud h**e a teacher mom or a teacher dad!
期待您的参与!looking forward to your participation!
一、活动事项: activities:
1、本次活动自愿参加。voluntary participation.
2、进课堂时间为半天,可以自由选择上午或者下午,half day
3、整个进课堂活动流程以班级老师配合班级家长助教为主,围绕本月活动课程主题,或者职业课程,具体内容可与各班老师商讨决定,原则要符合班级幼儿年龄段。the whole process into the classroom activity is given priority to with parents ta, our teacher will cooperate, topics around this month activity, or a vocational course, specific content can be decided to discussions with teacher, the principle of children ages to conform.
4、活动结束回家写一篇不低于的活动心得,隔日上交与本班老师。write not less than 200 words activity result after the activity, and give to teacher next day.
二、温馨提示:warm prompt:
1、请宝爸、宝妈们到各班老师处报名,踊跃参加。please register parents to the teacher's class, to participate.
2、可以尝试在班级中开展语言活动(讲故事)社会活动(安全教育)职业活动(警察,医生)等。can organize language (story-telling) social activities (safety education) occupational activities (such as police, doctors).
3、请您穿上舒适、方便运动的衣物来园参加助教活动。please wear comfortable, convenient movement clothing。
4、本次活动每个班级最多5人,按最先上次的顺序选择前5名。t participate in activities for five people of each class, according to the order choose before five.
please fill out the following receipt, before the april 20 to our class teacher)
精品文档。为了丰富孩子的幼儿园生活,扩大孩子的知识面,本学期我班将邀请五家家长进班给孩子们上课。如果你是一名警 察,可以来给孩子讲讲大人不在家,孩子怎样保护自己 如果你是一名建筑师,可以来给孩子讲讲怎么建漂亮的房子 如果你是一名医生,可以给孩子讲讲救护方面的知识 如果你是一名理发师,可以教孩子学做理...
尊敬的家长 您好!教育好孩子,不仅仅是学校的责任,更是每位家长的责任。为了更好地促进家校互动,让您能亲身感受孩子在校的学习表现,共同 课堂教学方法,合力为孩子成长打造更优质的教育环境,学校特定于2013年4月9日至4月12日举办以 家校牵手,关注孩子成长 为主题的教育开放周活动,诚邀您届时参加。时间...
晋城技师学院。尊敬的学生家长 为贯彻 关于加快发展现代职业教育的决定 国发 2014 19号 精神,营造加快发展现代职业教育良好氛围,增强职业教育吸引力,同意把每年5月份第2周定为全国职业教育宣传周。今年值此宣传周来临之际,为了让您了解您孩子在学校的学习与生活,了解学校的办学方针和理念以及班级的管理...