合:good afternoon, boys and girls! wele to our christmas party!
jack: with the snow flakes falling from the sky.
mandy: with the christmas carols resounding in our ears.
jack: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves.
mandy: with the kindest santa clausin red walking towards us .
合: let’s shout, “christmas is ing! merry christmas!!!
jack:hello,i’m jack. i’m honored to h**e the chance to be your host today. i’d
like to extend our a warm wele to youon behalf of the qixiang education. i
wish everyone a very happy christmas .
mandy:before we go , i’d like you to know that we plan various interesting
programs and games for today’s party . we hope you would join them and h**e some fun .
jack: first of all, let’s wele our principal mr. liu to give us a wele
speech .
mandy: thank you, mr. liu .
jack: now, the first program, all the students should learn the ppt about the
mandy: now , i will ask some question about christmas . who can
answer the question. who can get gift !
1.每年的几月几日是耶稣诞生的日子呢? 2. 平安夜是哪一天?
3. 耶稣是在**出生的? 4.
圣诞节和我们中国的什么节日相似 5. 小朋友们知道圣诞色有哪几种颜色吗? 6.
all the students should sing the song《we wish you merry christmas》
第一场:张子豪: ladies and gentlemen, my dear friends, wele to our party.
tonight, we are here to celebrate 20xx christmas day. and we wish all of you h**e a wonderful time!
文章 课件 2016英文圣诞节晚会主持词。合 goodafternoon,boysandgirls welcometoourchristmasparty 大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会 jack withthesnowflakesfallingfromthesky.伴随着从空中徐徐飘落的雪...
5 2017英文圣诞节晚会主持词。合 good afternoon,boys and girls welcome to our christmas party 大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会 jack with the sno the sky.伴随着从空中徐徐飘落的雪花,mandy wit...
圣诞节晚会。一 节目单。1 女生舞蹈 颜色歌 2 歌曲串烧。3 游戏 夹气球跑。4 舞蹈 兔子舞。5 游戏 桃花朵朵开。6 男生舞蹈 寻湖隐军 7 齐唱 铃儿响丁当 二 主持词。开场 女 夜色阑珊 流光溢彩 星河灿烂。男 激情的狂欢 璀璨的灯火 欢乐的盛宴。合 亲爱的领导们 老师们 同学们。大家晚上...