关于5 13母亲节的英语作文带翻译

发布 2021-06-23 23:53:28 阅读 9427

every year the second sunday of may is mother's day.

i heard that, mother's day originated from ancient greece. in order to honor the mother of the greek gods - phea, we started the festival. in the festival, everyone has to send mother gift, to thank for a mother for your concern, parenting, thank my mother brought us to this world.

my mother in qingtian, runs a small shop, she is just an ordinary mother, but she is so great in my heart. gets up at half past six in the morning, the mother cooks for me, and then send me to school. run in and out during the day, the mother, busy store things; in the evening, after school, i can always see my mother quietly waiting for me at the school gate; in the evening, i do my homework in the night light, mother always urged, coaching to one side.

every day, my mother didn't go to bed very late, really hard!

this mother's day, i must thank my dear mother, give my mother a special gift! wish all mothers of the world, a happy holiday, beautiful forever!








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