when we meet difficulties, most of us will be feelingdistressed, just like the whole world is down and there isno hope for tomorrow. when we look back after many years,the difficulties at that time are just small matters, onlyif we can hold on to these. life is wonderful, there is noneed to let down on life when we meet difficulties, like apopular song“how can we see the rainbow without thestorm”.
once i failed on the exam, i feel my world is over,i couldn’t eat well, i just let my parents down, i was soguilty about it. my teacher told me that the exam was not abig deal, i should forget it and kept moving on. since than,i work hard and trying to forget it.
now when i look backon the failing exam, i think it is not a big deal.
到校领完成绩单,处理完事务,放学前老师的一句 同学们,别忘了七月五号到校举行毕业典礼。蓦地惊醒了我。是啊,小学六年过去了,毕业了。教室瞬间安静,同学们呆呆目送着老师走出教室,教室里的气氛压抑起来。没有人说话,都坐在位子上想着各自的心事,空气仿佛凝固了。要毕业了,不是吗?一声轻轻的话语,夹杂着不舍,又...
年会很多公司都会搞的,那么串词准备好了吗?下面和一起来参考吧!男 这里欢歌笑语。女 这里满堂融融,男 这里畅想未来,女 这里放飞梦想。女 轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵慢慢张开你的眼睛。男 轻轻唤醒压抑的激情慢慢举起你的酒杯。合 让我们一起祝愿的明天会更好!女 让我们合唱 明天会更好 男 今夜欢乐连连。女 今夜...
童年 a 童年,就像一首诗,诗里有我天真活泼的记录。b 童年,就像一幅画,画里有我多彩多姿的生活。a 教室里 操场上,洋溢的是我们孩童的天真。b 阳光下 绿荫里,收集的是我们童年的欢笑。a 童年的世界浪漫 美丽,充满五彩的幻想,b 让我们用动听的歌声 优美的舞姿,赞美 t 我们的童年!最好的未来 c...