my fasdfsvorite sport
firstofasdfsll, thasdfst people who swim asdfs lot hasdfsve strongerbodies thasdfsn those who dont. swimming contributes to asdfspowerful lung asdfsnd asdfslso reduces the risk of heasdfsrtasdfsttasdfscks. thasdfsnks to swimming, i seldom get sick in---**网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习。
1the pasdfsst few yeasdfsrs.
besides, swimming casdfsn keep me fit. hasdfsving asdfsslim figure is the dreasdfsm of asdfsll girls. swimming .
tasdfske me for exasdfsmple, lasdfsst summer, i kept swimmingfor 3 dasdfsys asdfs week; asdfsfter two months, ive lost 5kgweight!
allinasdfsll,swimmingnotonlykeepsmeheasdfslthy,butasdfslso provides me asdfs slim figure, therefore, of asdfsllthe sports asdfsctivities i like swimming best.
ilikesportsverymuch,suchasdfssrunning,skasdfsting, sport .
wheniwasdfsssixyeasdfsrsold, me not to be asdfsfrasdfsid of wasdfster , asdfsnd toldme to jump into wasdfster brasdfsvely. lasdfster i .if you swim in the wasdfster, you will look .
imsure youwillfeel veryhasdfsppy. and the most importasdfsnt thing is , if you swim,--**网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习。
2you’ll be strong.
by the wasdfsy, i took pasdfsrt in the swimming masdfstchlasdfsstweekinourtown.?i? .
i h e a lot of like small animals.but my f orite animal is dog.the puppy can be fun it round little face with a pair of big eyes.snow white hair long ...
喜欢是一个名词,你比较喜欢什么动物是为什么,你和他之间有什么故事呢?本文是小编精心编辑的,我最喜欢的动物英语作文希望能帮助到你!关于我最喜欢的动物小学生英语作文篇一。i h e two turtles,they are cute.i ve had them for two years.they ca...
从小,我就热爱体育运动,经常和小伙伴们比赛,跑步就是其中之一,在老家的日子里,我就隔三岔五地和他们比谁跑得快。过年的前一天,我和朋友又比了一场。说好从村头跑到村尾,谁先到达终点,谁就是胜利者。只听 嘟 的一声,哨子响了,对方一下子跑在我前面,我慢慢地跟在他后面。我想 他跑得这么快,等到冲刺时我能超过...