
发布 2021-06-17 16:31:28 阅读 8779

as we know, many peoplef**or theidea that the college life is free andcomfortable, but i'd like to say it'snot true. as a matter of fact, .astomy college life, i divide it into four parts,including study, studentactivities, library and the others.


firstly, i want to talk about thestudy. in my opinion, study is thepriority in college. when i received theletter of admission in summer,i knew clearly that what i should do.

so i makeup my mind to study hardand pursue learning as much as possible. i'm greatlyconvinced many people study there. by working so hard, i get good gradesinthe exams.



通过努力学校,我在考试中取得了好成绩。secondly,.tobehonest,,'m**olunteer,' some jobs in the student union, includingreceiving and sending fastmail, selling *****s and magazines.

i think they're unforgettableandworthwhile experiences for me.




thirdly, i also visit the libraryconstantly. it's said that "shelves ofbooks, oceans of knowledge", so i readbooks that i'm interested in. inthis way, i can share stories with my new friendsand it also changes myhorizons .

when i'm sad, lost or in trouble, staying thelibrary makes me

quiet and comfortable. after all, every life has bad momentsas well asgood ones, and the library for me is a support in bad moments. so it'swise choice for me to stay in thelibrary.


他不去,肯定点名啊!赶紧起 同学你的 已经到了,请到7 楼来取 7号字,打印6份,缩印35 每个人的大学时光都是终将逝去的青春,它们永远的共通点就是很美好也很傻帽 且绝对不可复制不能重来。在这个不是毕业的季节,网上流传的一段ppt 却引发了我们不可遏抑的伤感,我的大学生活 这名字听着朴实,从制作到创...

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文。我的大学四年生活。似乎才刚刚走进大学校园,转眼,又要离去。四年的生活就在不知不觉中从身边飞过。在这四年里,我经历了许多从未经历过的生活,得到了许多使我终身受益的经验教训,拥有了称得上 铁杆 的朋友 在最后的时间里还找到了一份很不错的工作。然而,如果有人问我 你在大...


9转眼间我的大学生活已经过去了四分之一,犹记刚刚报到时的羞涩和傻气,怀念骄阳下军训时的无奈 辛苦和幸福。忆起基础部面试时,夹杂着畏缩的刚强,还有初入校园时的欣慰和感动,心中有太多的感慨。我觉得读大学,应该掌握七项学习。学好自修之道 自修即自学能力,也就是举一反三或无师自通的能力。在大学期间,学习专业...