”beep” a silver car had just stopped, a man in a suit of female scholars go down. supporters see to her autograph. who is she?
i of course.
after ten years of i, is not a star, but a democracy, justice, and carry the politician. come in, the domestic situation is bad prime minister personally met with me. the prime minister said:
“now nations robbers everywhere, also thought way, but h**en’t got, it’s up to you.” i bother to promise, the in the mind very excited.
back in the office, after days of thorough investigation, i thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone.
don’t look down upon this small way, it is the s**iour of our country. in order to further investigation, i h**en’t and eye for five days and five nights. do you know?
this way is coordinating, not corruption, bring criminals to justice, and status for those poor families to find more jobs. it’s not only let us peace to the country, also can let our country to become advanced countries.
after several months of observation, this my way is effective. this way is our country become more peaceful, also make our country become the richest in the world’s most advanced countries. the prime minister would my action to tell the supreme head of state, and then put my seal for dato, i wear a gorgeous dress, when i was about to step into the magnificent hall, suddenly heard someone call me “wake up, wake up, quick late...
it turns out that this is a dream.
i look forward to a dream come true.
十年后的我作文 十年后的我作文
篇一 十年后的我。时光像箭一样飞跑着,转眼间,我告别了小学和中学时代,今年已经22岁的我,如愿以偿地读了我最向往的大学 美国哈佛大学,正在念大四。我读的是艺术系,因此,学校的许多表演我都会参加。当然,有时候我会当一当导演。我导演的一部话剧 万圣节来敲门 还得过我们学校第二十五届 话剧杯 金奖呢。我在...
十年后的我作文 十年后的我高中。十年,在尘封的人生岁月时光里只是一个微微的数字,然而,青葱岁月匆忙,十年后的自己是什么样子呢?而人生又有多少个十年呢?寻梦,一个埋在自己心里从来未曾向任何人袒露过的梦想,一直,一直,一直在内心像是一个没有做完的梦。现在,我继续,是梦想,让我在安静的时光找到自己的归属,...
十年,天津发生了这么多的变化,都是因为人们的环保意识增强了!十年后的家乡作文 三 我的家乡在温岭,那里到处是高楼大厦,道路上到处都是川流不息的车辆。走在马路上却能闻到难闻的汽油味。那十年后的温岭是怎么样的呢?我想十年后的温岭是这样的 十年后的温岭,空气清新甜润,天空湛蓝深远,道路变小了,汽车也越来越...