
发布 2021-06-07 22:23:28 阅读 8632

admit to 许可,允许 appear to 似乎,好像 ask for 要求。

apply sth to sth 把。适用于。at fault 有责任,有错误 h**e to 必须得

assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事 be bound to 肯定,一定 tend to 常常。

attach importance to = pay/ call attention to 关注,重视。

be based on 以。为基础 be content with 对。满意

to some /a extent 从某种角度 be concerned with 担心,忧虑。

be convinced of/that 相信,认为be engaged in 参与,从事。

be equal to 等同于,相当于be judged on 按……评判,判断。

be filled with 充满be responsible for 对……负责。

be involved in 参与,从事contribute to 促成,造就。

cut back 消减cope with=deal with处理,克服。

daily routine 日常生活devote to 投身于,致力于。

end up sth with sth 用。结束ensure sb to do sth 保证某人做某事。

expose to 暴露,接触far from 一点也不,根本不。

fail to 没能做成federal authority 联邦**。

homeland security 国土安全when it comes to 当谈论到。涉及到。

hold sth to account 与。对证,核实 h**e difficulty in doing sth 做。有困难。

h**e roots in根源于,原因h**e something to do with 和……有关。

h**e nothing to do with 和……无关 in the long run 从长远角度看。

in terms of 有关于,涉及到in the wake of sth ……之后。

lay stress on = focus on 强调,重视 range from ……to……范围从……到……

meet one's needs/standards 满足需要,符合标准

make a point of 重视not……but……不是,而是。

owing to/ due to / because of / thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为。

oppose to 反对pay increases 加薪 persuade sb to do sth 劝说。

pick up 捡起,接送,学习 there is no question that 毫无疑问。

resort to 采取……方法,手段 see/view/regard/consider as 把……当作,看做……

share one's opinion 同意……的观点 social ties 社会联系。

stop/prevent/keep sb from doing sth 阻止……做……

strive to do 设法,努力 volunteer to do sth 主动,志愿。


词汇是英语四级考试的基础,下面整理了英语四级考试中常用的万能词组,这些词组经常在试题 现,同时也可以为作文累积素材,需要强化记忆以下词组。by be faithful to obey 忠于 遵守。2.be absent from 缺席,不在。3.absence or mind being absen...


1 accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速经济增长。2 take sth.into account 把 考虑在内。3 be accustomed to习惯。4 adapt to 适应。5 adjust to.适应 6 ascribe.to 归因于。7 at...


四级高频短语。claim for sth 要求 collision with sb sth 碰撞,冲突 comment on about 对。的评论 complaint of about 报怨,控告 compromise between on 折中,妥协 concentration on sth 专...