
发布 2021-06-04 13:52:28 阅读 3142



1.问名字could i h**e your name please.

2.“爱心社”love society正式译法。

3.‘科学院院士member of chinese academy of sciences or academician, chinese academy of sciences

4.高级工程师senior engineer


6.初中:junior high school 高中:senior high school

7."教务处"dept of teaching affairs

8.工程院院士academician of chinese academy of engineering


10.中科院chinese academy of sciences简称 cas

11.班主任teacher- in- chief

12.导师in us, each student has two advisors:research advisor and academic advisor for ra students, they are the i think just advisor is ok.

13.重点大学national key univ.

14.少年班special class for gifted young。

15. 工学学士。

16.兼职教授adjunct professors

是系主任, dean 是学院院长。

18.“人大附中”the high school affiliated to renmin university of china

19.教务处deans office

20.文娱委员committee member in charge of recreational activities.

21.信息产业部mii ministry of information industry

22.“国家自然科学**”the china national science foundation

23.“社会工作”community work


25.“少年班"special class for gifted children


27.清华附中middle school attached to tsinghua university


29. 毕业**答辩defence or defense,thesis defence,defense of graduation thesis,in university of oxford, it is called "viva" thesis defense,oral defence,rejoinder

30.优秀学生奖学金student fellowship with honor

31.怎么填in what capacity?



33“国家重点实验室”state key laboratory for


你是学什么的呀?communication 分两个方向,for science and for arts, science is especially for film ,marketing,advertising,media,arts is for augumentation,personal and group communication,persuation,好象竞争挺激烈的。有一个问题就是怕录取了读不下来。

读计算机也挺好的,sommunication 对英语语言要求挺高,不知道真读起来会不会很痛苦。偶也在申请,有兴趣大家可以聊聊。

35.官方信头official letterhead

for your information?“仅供参考"的意思。

37. in what capacity h**e you known the applicant ?应填什么教过课什么的推荐信中问推荐人的position , 应填professor吗?

yeah∶ state briefly educational and professional objectives.是陈述你的职业目标吗,比如当个科学家什么的,是吗?

as specific as you can

作品集。39.团队精神team spirit

to call a collect call?

dial 10810 anywhere in china, then tell the operator the professors phone number. you can talk with operator in chinese.

collect call 是对方负款的**。

41. “国家重点项目”national key project

42.直博be waived the admission test to enter phd program

43.丰富的研究文章rich experience in research

44.**信registerd letter

45.模式识别pattern recognition



major 主修科目 学生集中攻读的科目或专业领域。大学本科生通常在头两年学习文理科普通课程,然后再选择一门主修科目。master s degree 硕士学位 高等院校向在获得学士学位后修满至少一年课程并达到一定学术要求的学生颁发的学位。matriculate 录取 由大学或学院正式招收入学。mid...


for the better 好转。for good 永远地。for ever永远。far from 远非,远离。face to face 面对面地。except for 除了。外。every now and then 时而,偶尔。ever so非常,极其。even if though 即使,虽然。...

