
发布 2021-06-04 10:10:28 阅读 4871

8a unit 2 school life 词组。

1.你理想中的学校your ideal school

2.全世界all over the world/ around the world/the whole world

3.中学high/ secondary school

4.一楼first/ ground floor

5.美式足球american football

6.说不同的语言speak different languages

7.一门有用的语言a useful language

8.在八年级in year 8/ in grade 8 / in 8th grade

9.一所混合学校a mixed school

10.家政课home economics

11.为我自己做事情do things for myself

12.在每节课快结束时near the end of each class

13. 也as well

14.一所英国学校a british school

15.一所美国学校an american school

16.做健康的美味的食物cook healthy and tasty meals

17.学习怎样做饭、缝衣服learn how to cook and sew

18.把家里的书和杂志带进bring in books and magazines from home

19在午饭期间during lunchtime

在午饭时间at lunchtime

20.上驾驶课h**e driving lessons

21.开车送我上学drive me to school / take me to school by car

22.做某事花费时间spend...doing / spend --on sth..

23.练习做某事practice doing

24.做…很高兴h**e a good time doing/

h**e fun doing/ enjoy oneself doing

25. 一位挚友a close friend

26.在搭档俱乐部in the buddy club

27.在今年的阅读周期间during this year’s reading week

28.一个美国女孩写的文章an article(written) by a girl from the usa

29.一名12年级的毕业生a senior in 12th grade

30.在16岁时at 16/ at age 16/ at the age of 16

31.有空闲时间h**e free time

32.对---全面了解learn all about

全面了解我的新学校learn all about my new school

33.在家庭作业方面帮助我help me with my homework

34.倾听我的问题listen to my problems

35.有一种美味h**e a pleasant taste

36.在每节课最后near the end of each class

37.和某人谈论某事talk to sb. about sth.

38.一种球类运动a kind of ball game

39.你所崇敬的人someone you admire

40.上电视be on tv

41.把……与……相compare … with …

42.电脑学课computer studies

43.过一个长达12周的假期h**e a 12-week holiday

h**e 12 weeks off

44.休息半年h**e half a year off

45.多远(用于提问距离)how far

多久时间(用于提问时间连续多久)how long

多久(用于提问每隔多久发生:表频率)how often

过多久(时间)how soon

46.做早操/ 眼保健操do morning/eye exercises

47.步行去上学walk to school / go to school on foot

48乘飞机去上海go to shanghai by plane / take a plane to shanghai / fly to shanghai

49.乘校车take the school bus

50.伤了她的腿hurt her leg

51.穿校服wear school uniforms

52.吃最少的牛肉eat the least beef

53.得最少的分score the fewest points

54.和……不同be different from

55.和……相同be the same as

56.在---相同/一样be the same + n. +as = as + adj. +as the same size as = as big as

57.一起上课h**e lessons together

58.在夏季in the summertime

59.在网上聊天chat online/chat on the internet

60.在**里聊天chat on the phone

61.向窗外看look out of the window

62.表示惊讶show surprise

63.课外活动after-school activities

64.有一个小时吃午饭h**e an hour for lunch

65.听流行**listen to pop music

66.养一只宠物猴get a pet monkey

67.搬到加拿大move to canada

68.在周末at weekends

69.做…有问题h**e problems doing sth

方面有问题h**e problems with sth.

70.大量的学生a number of students

71.学生的数量the number of students

72.暑假时间的长the length of summer holiday

73.在学校的一边on one side of the school

74.在学校的另一边on the other side of the school

75.(两者中)一个---另一个one…the other

76.垒球游戏softball game

77.参加学校旅行去博物馆或剧院go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre

78.加入**俱乐部join the music club

79.呆在医院一个月了stay in hospital f or a month

80.能够去做某事be able to do sth.

81.半小时的家庭作业half an hour of homework

82.系领带wear a tie/ ties

83.有许多有用的书的图书馆a big library with lots of useful books

84.一个网球场a tennis court

85.一个游泳池a swimming pool

8a unit 2 school life句子。

1. why don’t dogs go to school? 为什么狗不去上学?

2. what’s school like ?学校怎么样?

it’s like watching tv, but there are fewer advertisements.


3. my f**ourite subject is home economics. 我最喜欢的学科是家政课 .

4. i didn’t know how to do things for myself before i came to this school. 在我来到这所学校之前, 我不知道怎样为自己做事情。

5. we h**e to tell our english teacher what we are reading.


6. reading week is always too short because we want to read all our classmates’ books as well. 阅读周总是太短, 因为我们也想看我们所有的同班同学的书。

7. he drives me to school every day. 他每天开车送我去学校。

he takes me to school by car every day.

7. i spend a lot of time practicing playing softball. 我花很多时间练习打垒球。

8. in the buddy club, older students talk to new students about school life.

在搭档俱乐部里, 大一点的学生对新同学说关于学校生活。

9. she helps me learn all about my new school. 她帮我了解关于新学校的一切。

10. during lunchtime, i meet my friends and we always h**e a good time talking to each other.在午餐期间,我会见我的朋友并且总是开心地互相交谈。

11. what’s the meaning of “hero”? hero”是什么意思?

what do you mean by “hero”?

what does the word “hero” mean?

12. john studies more subjects than nancy. john 学得科目比nancy多。

13. nancy joins fewer clubs than i. nancy 加入的俱乐部比我少。


9a unit 2 词组和句子。1.没问题。2.穿在 身上好看。某人穿 好看。3.充满。4.一些有趣的事情。5.有好 坏心情。6.使我们感觉平静和安宁。7.影响我们的心情。8.改变我们的心情。对我们的身心有好处。9.营造一种和谐感。10.代表悲伤。11.穿白色。12.在他们结婚那天。13.纯洁的颜色...


短语和句子。穿在某人身上好看。某人穿 好看。我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉色。宁愿做某事也不要做某事。宁愿不做某事。电脑没问题。有问题。你知道彩虹有几种颜色吗?我们生活在一个五彩缤纷的世界里。影响某人的情绪。改变某人的情绪。使我们感到快乐或悲伤。感觉昏昏欲睡的。感觉轻松的。感到压抑的。平静色。把 刷成蓝色。...


牛津英语8a unit6短语。chinese 自然灾害全身湿透。将 拖干净 代词放中间 将 冲走 代词放中间 输掉比赛。好几千人 成千上万的人 猛烈地撞到 上引起一场大的火灾。惊恐地 处于恐惧之中 地下的炸弹。从 上掉下来 摔下来。倒下 掉下 跌倒 绊倒 倒下朝四面八方跑去跑出 跑进 尽某人最大努力...