必备词汇和短语 大会发言

发布 2021-06-04 08:02:28 阅读 7504

论坛 forum

自由交流思想的论坛 a forum for the free exchange of ideas

研讨会 seminar/symposium

有关中国加入世贸组织的研讨会 a seminar on china’s accession to the wto

一次开拓性的会议 a pioneering ende**or

讨论高等教育问题的会议 a conference on higher education

峰会summit conference

本届年会 the current annual meeting

世界博览会 the world expo/the world exposition

亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 the informal meeting of leaders of the asia-pacific economic cooperation

庆祝某某公司揭牌 to celebrate the opening of abc company

庆祝某某公司迁居新址 to celebrate the relocation of abc company

庆祝新博物馆落成典礼 to celebrate the inauguration of the new museum

大会组委会 the organizing committee of the meeting

大会主办国 the host country of the meeting

大会主题 the theme of the meeting

中心议题 the central subject under discussion

大会议事日程 the agenda of the meeting

大会执行主席 the executive chairman/the executive chair of the meeting

大会秘书处 the secretariat of the meeting

主要发言人 the keynote speaker/the keynoter

主持会议 to preside over the meeting

列入议事日程 to be placed on the agenda

进入下一个议事日程 to proceed to the next item on the agenda

在会上发言 to address the meeting

发表讲话 to deliver a speech

发表新年贺辞 to deliver the new year’s address

就……演讲 to speak on the topic of…

作简要报告 to give a brief report

特别提及 to make a special mention of

谨代表公司全体同仁 on behalf of all my colleagues of the company

提出异议to raise an objection

交换意见to exchange views on

无拘束地了解彼此 to get to know each other better in all informal way

增进个人间的友谊 to increase personal friendships .

增进相互理解与信任to enhance mutual understanding and trust

在平等友好的基础上 on the basis of equality and in a friend manner

达成共识to reach common ground

在广泛领域里进行合作 to cooperate in a wide range of areas

反映了我们的共同愿望 to reflect the widely-shared desire

具有积极的作用和意义 to prove to be constructive and significant

取得丰硕的成果 to acquire abundant accomplishment

怀着愉快的心情出席会议 to attend this meeting with great pleasure

为在此讲话而深感荣幸 to feel greatly honored to speak at the meeting

值此大会开幕之际 on the occasion of this opening ceremony

在这明月中秋的良宵 on this splendid moonlit night in mid autumn

新年除夕之夜 on the eve of the new year

共同欢度春节 to h**e you with us in celebration of the spring festival

度过一个难忘的夜晚 to make this evening most memorable for you

尽情品尝中国传统佳肴 to taste the traditional chinese cuisine

向东道主致以谢意 to express my appreciation to the host for...

向大会致以衷心的祝贺 to extend our sincere congratulations on the convention

应邀参加大会并发言 to be invited to attend and speak at the conference

致以崇高敬意 to express my high respects

致以节日的问候 to convey my festive greetings

发表一些不太成熟的看法 to discuss with you my tentative thoughts

就大家感兴趣的问题发表看法 to present views on issues of your interest

对在座的年轻人说几句话 to say a few words to the young people present

迎接新世纪的挑战 to rise up to the challenge in the new century

创造更加美好的未来 to build a better future

有着广阔的发展前景 to h**e a brilliant and broad prospect of development

目睹上海日新月异的变化 to witness the constant and unceasing transformation of shanghai 展望未来五十年的前景 to look ahead at the prospects for the next 50 years

乘风破浪地前进 to br**e the wind and the w**es

携手建立面向新世纪的伙伴关系 to join hands in building a partnership oriented toward the new century

为促进人类进步作出贡献 to contribute to the advancement of human progress

宣布白玉兰获奖者名单 to announce the recipients of the magnolia award

在结束讲话之际 to conclude my speech

从百忙中拨冗光临 to take time off your busy schedule

感谢各位拨冗参加庆典 thank you for taking time to join this party.

祝各位新年万事如意 wish everyone of you the very best of luck in everything in the new year.

有助于各位了解中国 to facilitate your understanding of china

希望在下届年会再度相见 hope to meet again at the next annual meeting.

必备词汇和短语 外事接待

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