九年级英语Unit12重要短语归纳 新目标英语

发布 2021-06-04 07:29:28 阅读 1115

涔濆勾绾ц嫳璇?unit12 閲嶈鐭褰掔撼锛堟柊鐩爣鑻辫锛?


1. be supposed to do .銆搴旇銆濡傦細。

we are supposed to stop smoking. 鎴戜滑搴旇鍋滄鍚哥儫銆?

銆鐭ヨ瘑鎷撳睍銆琛ㄧず搴旇鐨勮瘝鏈夛細should, ought to ,be supposed to

2. shake hands銆鎻℃墜銆銆shake 鏈剰鏄滄憞鍔ㄣ侀渿鍔ㄢ?

3. you should h**e asked what you were supposed to wear.

浣犳湰搴旇闂竻妤氭庝箞鏍风┛鎵嶅緱浣撱備腑鐨勨渟hould h**e asked鈥濇槸。


濡傦細she should h**e gone to beijing. 濂规湰搴旇鍘讳簡鍖椾含銆傦紙娌℃湁鍘伙級。

4. be relaxed about sth.銆瀵规煇浜嬮殢鎰忋佷笉涓ユ牸銆濡傦細。

銆銆they are relaxed about the time. 浠栦滑瀵规椂闂村緢闅忔剰銆?

5. pretty 銆adv. 鐩稿綋,寰堬紳very銆she is pretty friendly. 濂圭浉褰撳弸濂姐?

adj. 缇庝附鐨?she is a pretty girl.濂规槸涓涓編涓界殑濂冲銆?

6. make plans to do ==plan to do. 鎵撶畻鍋氭煇浜嬨濡傦細。

銆she has made plans to go to beijing.==she has planed to go to beijing.

7. drop by 璁块棶銆鐪嬫湜銆鎷滆銆涓查棬。

銆銆we just dropped by our friends鈥?homes.鎴戜滑鍒氬垰鍘绘湅鍙嬪涓查棬銆?

8. on time 鎸夋椂。

9.銆after all 姣曠珶銆缁堢┒銆濡傦細you see i was right after all.浣犵湅锛屾瘯绔熻繕鏄垜瀵逛簡銆?

10. invite sb. to do sth. 閭璇锋煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨銆濡傦細銆lily invited me to h**e dinner.鑾夎帀璇锋垜鍚冩櫄楗 ?

11. without 娌℃湁。

12. around the world ==all over the world 鍏ㄤ笘鐣?

13. pick up 鎹¤捣銆鎸戦夈濡傦細he picked up his hat. 浠栨崱璧蜂粬鐨勫附瀛愩?

14. start doing ==start to do 寮濮嬪仛鏌愪簨銆濡?

銆銆he started reading.==he started to read. 浠栧紑濮嬭銆?

15. point at 鎸囧悜銆。

16. stick v. 鍓屻鎴銆n. 妫掞紝妫嶃。

chopstick 绛峰瓙銆鏄敱chop(鐮?锛媠tick(妫?鍚堟垚锛?

閫氬父鐢ㄥ 鏁板舰寮忥細chopsticks

17. go out of one鈥檚 way to do 鐗规剰锛屼笓闂ㄥ仛鏌愪簨銆濡傦細。

銆銆he went out of his way to make me happy. 浠栫壒鎰忎娇鎴戦珮鍏淬?

18. make mistakes 鐘敊璇紙澶嶆暟锛塵ake a mistake 鐘敊璇紙涓涓級。

19. be different from 涓庘︿笉鍚屻銆濡傦細。

銆銆銆chinese food is different from theirs. 涓浗鑿滀笌浠栦滑鐨勪笉鍚?

20. get/be used to sth. 涔犳儻浜庘?

get/be used to doing銆涔犳儻浜庘?

銆 be used to do 銆銆琚敤浜庡仛鈥?

be used for doing銆琚敤浜庡仛鈥?

used to do 杩囧幓甯稿父鍋氣︺濡傦細。

i wash clothes everyday. but i鈥檓 used to it.


i am used to washing clothes. 鎴戜範鎯簬娲楄。鏈嶄簡銆?

the knives are used to cut things. 灏忓垁琚敤鏉ュ垏涓滆タ銆?

the knives are used for cutting things. 灏忓垁琚敤鏉ュ垏涓滆タ銆?

銆 she used to watch tv after school. 濂硅繃鍘绘斁瀛﹀悗甯稿父鐪嬬數瑙嗐?

21. 鎴戝彂鐜拌璁颁綇姣忎竴鏍蜂簨鏄洶闅剧殑銆?

i find it difficult to remember everything.



銆銆find / think + it/them +褰㈠ 璇?to do sth. 濡傦細 i think it hard to study english.

22. cut up 鍒囧紑銆鍒囩銆濡傦細let鈥檚 cut up the water melon. 璁╂垜浠垏寮杩欎釜瑗跨摐鍚с?

23. make a toast 鏁厭。

24. crowd v.鎸ゆ弧鍏跺舰瀹硅瘝鍜岃繃鍘诲紡鍙婅繃鍘诲垎璇嶉兘鏄細crowded

25. set n. 涓濂椼銆v. 璁剧疆。

26. can鈥檛 stop doing 蹇嶄笉浣忓仛鏌愪簨銆i can鈥檛 stop laughing. 鎴戝繊涓嶄綇绗?

27. make faces銆鍋氶鑴搞銆。

28.銆face to face 闈㈠ 闈?

29. learn鈥 y oneself 鑷銆濡傦細銆銆i learn english by my self. 鎴戣嚜瀛﹁嫳璇 ?

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