
发布 2021-06-04 05:34:28 阅读 8086

a:what's wrong with you?a:你怎么了?b:i feel so 我感觉太累了。

a:i really recommend you go for a run in the 我真的建议你早上出去跑步。

b:why? i'd just be dead tired for the rest of the 为什么?那么我一整天都会困得要命的。

a:onthecontrary!itreallyrefreshesyouandgetsyoureadytoattackthe day.

a:正好相反!它会让你精力充沛地迎接新的一天啊!b:are you sure?b:你确定吗?

a:yes,ialwaysfeellikeamilliondollarsafterwards,likeicouldtake on anything!

a:是的。我跑步后就会觉得神清气爽,好像我什么事情都可以做得了。b:ok. let me 好的。让我试试。conversation 2

a:what shall we do today?a:我们今天去干什么?


let's go out for some exercise, shall we?


a:我们出去锻炼一会儿怎么样?b:what an excellent idea!b:真是个好主意!

a:shall we do some jogging?a:跑跑步好吗?好的。

a:i feel well 我现在感觉很舒服。

b:yes,some exercise is necessary for 做些运动对我们来说很必要。a:quite 十分正确。conversation 3

a:you look 's in your mind?a:你看起来有点儿情绪低落。在想什么呢?

b:well, pressure and my blood is thick and 'm very 嗯,我上周做了血液检查。医生说我血压高而且血液黏稠。

我很担心。 in your life. but now you are putting on some 别紧张。


i h**e to admit it's easier said than 我得承认说起来容易做起来难啊。

a:well, i think it's time for you to change your eating habits anddevelop a healthy lifestyle. regular exercise will improve your 嗯,我想你得改变饮食习惯并养成健康的生活方式。


b:but youknowi'm justnotinto exercises. and i wouldn't h**e time


for exercises, either.


a:you can do some jogging. it's easy and it doesn't take much 你可以慢跑。

既简单,又不需要太多时间。b:actually, my doctor said the same 实际上医生也这么建议。


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