
发布 2021-06-03 18:51:28 阅读 7282


1. take back 收回,接回,退回。

如:i’m sorry, i take back what i said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。

2. take down

1) 写下,记下。如: i didn’t take down his phone number. 我没有记下他的**号码。

2) 拆下,拆掉。如:the machine takes down easily. 这机器很容易拆。

3. take in

1) 收留。如:so he took in the boy (dog). 所以他就收留了这个男孩(这条狗)。

2) 包括。如:the list takes in everyone. 每个人都上了名单。

3) 理解。如:we find it difficult to take in what he teaches.

我们发现他教的东西很难理解。(4) 欺骗,使上当。如:

don’t be taken in by his promises. 别被他的诺言所欺骗。

4. take off

1) 脱下。如:take off your wet clothes. 脱下你的湿衣服。

2) 起飞。如:when did the plane take off? 飞机是什么时候起飞的?

3) 打折扣,扣掉,去掉。如:can you take five dollars off the price? 你可以减价五美元吗?

4) 请假,休息。如:i want to take a day off (from work). 我想休假一天。

5. take on

1) 聘用,雇用。如:the company decided to take on a new secretary. 这家公司决定聘一个新秘书。

2) 呈现,显现,具有。如:her face took on a new expression.

她的脸上露出了新的表情。(3) 承担或担任(工作或责任等)。如:

he advised me not to take too much work. 他劝我不要做太多的工作。

6. take over 接替,接管,继承。

如:who will take over his job? 他的工作由谁来接替?

would you like me to take over the driving for a while? 你愿意让我接替你开一会儿车吗?

7. take up

1) 开始(学习或从事等)。如:for a long time i had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来我一直想从事写作。

2) 继续。如:we took up our journey the next day. 第二天我们继续赶路。

3) 占去(时间或空间)。如: the work took up all of sunday. 这活儿占去了整个星期天。

4) 接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,建议,条件等)。如:he has taken up the bet. 他已接受打赌的条件。

5) 提出(商讨),讨论。如:there’s another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们要提出来商量。

8. take sb sth / take sth to sb 给某人带(送)去某物。

如:take your father this glass of water. /take this glass ofwater to your father.

把这杯水给你父亲送去。take her some flowers. /take some flowers to her.


9. take sb (sth) for [to be]……把某人(某物)当作……。

如:he took her smile for agreement. 他把她的微笑视为同意。

10. it takes (sb) some time to do sth 做某事花(某人)时间。

如:it took me two hours to do the maths exercises. 做数学练习花了我两个小时。

11. it takes sth (某做某事花精力(需要人等)。

如:it took three men to lift the box. 抬这个箱子要三个人。


1.take back 收回,接回,退回。如 i m sorry,i take back what i said.对不起,我收回我说过的话。2.take down 1 写下,记下。如 i didn t take down his phone number.我没有记下他的 号码。2 拆下,拆掉。如 t...


take短语用法完全归纳。take back收回,接回,退回。如 i m sorry,i take back what i said。对不起,我收回我说过的话。2。take down 写下,记下。如 i didn t take down his phone number.我没有记下他的 号码。2 拆...


turn短语动词归纳。1.turn about 转身,向后转。the colonel ordered the troops to turn about.上校命令部队向后转。2.turn against 转而反对,与 反目。they tried to turn the students against...