托福听力常用短语汇集 16

发布 2021-06-03 18:12:28 阅读 5146

in spite of oneself 不由自主。

in that get up 穿那样的服装。

in the dark 全然不知。

in the eyes of sb 在某人的观点中。

in the hole 遇到经济困难。

in the long run 从长远来看;终究。

in the offering 就在眼前。

in the pen 被困在监狱里。

in the pink 精神或身体状态好。

in the roar 轰笑着。

in the soap 遇到麻烦。

in turn 进而。

in(on) behalf of 代表。

ineligible for, be 不被录取的。

inferiority complex 自卑感。

information bureau 万事通。

innocent kid 清白无辜的人。

inside dope 内幕消息。

installment plan 分期付款。

intensive course 精读课程。

is frank in, please? frank在家吗?

is my face red? 问心有愧。

is that so? 是这样吗?

is this seat taken? 这座位有没有人?

isn't it ever? 我同意你的说法。

isn't it though? 我同意你的说法。

isn't my word good enough? 我的话你也信不过吗?

it cost me a small fortune. 花了一笔小钱。

it isn't cricket. 不公平;不合理。

it makes me sick. 我受不了。

it never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。

it pays to do sth 值得做某事。

it sounds inviting. 听起来很吸引人。

it was your fault. 那是你的错。

it will be just the thing. 刚好合适。

it would really come in handy. 它实在方便。

it's a piece of cake. 真是小菜一碟。

it's about time you start thinking ahead 你该想想做些什么了。

it's been reserved. 这张桌子已经有人定了。

it's greek to me. 对我犹如天书;我莫名其妙。

it's high time 是……的时候了。

it's nice you survived. 很高兴你还活着。

it's none of your business. 这不关你的事。

it's on me. 由我出钱。

it's only to find out 只不过想打听一下。

托福听力常用短语汇集 20

make a day of it 做 玩 了一整天。make a fool of oneself 大出洋相。make a fortune 发财。make a fuss 小题大做 使倍受注目 吹捧某人。make a go of 成功地打倒某种目标。make a hit 出风头。make a memo ...

托福听力常用短语汇集 11

you are a dead duck 你完了。you are a thoughtful person 你真周到。you are all wet 你完全错了。you are just being polite 你真会说话。you are killing me 真是笑死我了。you are your ...

托福听力常用短语汇集 2

shake a leg 跳舞 赶快。shake and make up 言归于好。shame on you!你真丢脸!she s a smart dresser 她是一个注重服饰的人。she s been two timing me 她背着我和其他男人约会。she s got it!她迷倒了许多人。...