
发布 2021-06-03 12:25:28 阅读 7073


i. 朗读短文(reading aloud)(计3分)

1. 目的:测试语音、句子重音、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升调和降调等以及流畅程度。

2. 要求:能连贯、流畅地朗读一篇英语材料,语音语调正确。朗读材料选自八年级下册、九年级新目标英语教材,词数不少于100词。


一档(3分) 语音语调正确,朗读自然流利,且有节奏感。

二档(2分) 语音语调基本正确,有少量错误,但朗读还比较自然流利。

三档(1分) 语音语调不够正确,朗读不够连贯,错误较多。

ii. 回答问题(free talk) (计3分)

1. 目的:测试对日常交际用语的掌握情况。

2. 要求:能根据实际情况回答问题。能用《英语课程标准》“功能意念项目表”(五级要求)中的表达方式进行交流。

3. 题型示例:

1) a: would you please tell your name?

b: yes, of course. my name is ma hua.

2) a: when were you born?

b: i was born on september 18th, 1990.

3) a: how do you usually go to school?

b: i usually go to school by bike (by bus /on foot etc.)

4. 评分标准:


一档(3分) 意思明白,语音语调正确,词语、语法合乎规范。

二档(2分) 意思明白,语音语调基本正确,词语、语法有些错误。


5. 训练题:

1)-good morning / afternoon / evening,

-good morning / afternoon / evening.

2)-nice to meet you!

nice to meet you , too!

3)-how are you?

i’m fine. thank you. and you ?

-i am fine, too .thank you.

4)-what’s your name? /your name, please? /may i h**e your name?

my name is __i am __

5)-how do you spell it?

6)-how old are you,may i ask?

i’m __

7)-when were you born? /in what year were you born? /when is your birthday?

i was born on __i was born in __

my birthday is __

8)-where were you born?

i was born in __

9) -which school / class are in?

i’m in __

10)-where are you from? /where do you come from?

i’m fromi come from __

11)-how many members (people) are there in your family?

there’re __

12)-who are they?

they are father, mother and myself (i, me).

13)-what are your parents? /what do your parents do?

my father is a __my mother is a __

14)-how old are your parents?

my father is __and my mother is __

15)-what does your mother / father look like?

my mother is medium height , and she is a little bit thin. /

my father is tall and he**y. he has short curly hair.

16)-how are your parents?

they are very well(fine), thank you.

17)-what would you like to give your mother for her birthday?

a beautiful scarf.


they often go out for a walk / watch tv / read magazines / surf the internet etc.

19)-what chores do you usually do at home?

i usually wash dishes, sweep the floor and clean the windows.

20)-where do you live now? /what’s your address?

i live __my address is

21)-how long h**e you lived there?

i h**e lived there for __years.

22)-could you tell me your telephone number?

sure. it’s __

23).-what do you want to be in the future? /what are you going to be when you grow up?

i want to be a teacher/doctor/policeman / scientist. etc.

24)-how often do you visit your grandparents?

once a week.

25)-how often do you go to see a film?

i go to see a film once a week / twice a month. etc.

26)-what sport do you like?

i like basketball very much.

27)-which sport do you like better, volleyball or badminton?

i like badminton better./ i prefer badminton to volleyball.

28)-whatkindofmoviesdoyoulike best?

i like action movies best.

29)-whoisyourf**oritesinger / movie star / player?

___is my f**ourite singer / movie star / player.

30)-what color do you like? why do you like it ?

i like

31)-what’s you f**orite fruit

my f**orite fruit isi like __best.

32)-do you like hamburgers? why? /why not?

yes. because … no. because …

33)-what time do you usually get up

i usually get up at six.

34)-what do you often h**e for breakfast

i often h**e __for breakfast.

35)-how do you go/ get to school?

i usually go /get to school by bike / on foot / by bus. etc.

36)-how many hours do you sleep every day?

-about eight hours.

37)-howlongdoesittakeyoutogotoschoolabout twenty minutes.

38)-you like to study english, don’t you?

-yes, i do.

39)-when did you start learning english?

i started learning english when i was 12.

40)-do you often speak english?

yes. very offten i try my best to speak english with my teachers and classmates.

41)-do you read english in the morning or in the evening.

-every morning i read english aloud for half an hour at least.


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