小升初英语面试题 60道

发布 2021-05-27 06:36:28 阅读 7317

1. why we choose you?(我们为什么选择你(这道题可以用来陈述自己的优点,比别人出彩的地方)


2. introduce yourself.(自我介绍)

my name is ..i am 11 years old. i am in class 3 grade 5.

i am outgoing and humorous. my f**orite food is bananas. my f**orite drink is juice.

i like english best. i like reading books and playing ping-pong. my f**orite color is red.

there are three people in my family. they are my father, my mother and me. my father is a worker.

my mother is a teacher.

3. do you like our school? why?(你喜欢我们学校吗?为什么?)

as we all know, xxx is one of the best schools in xi'an, because it is beautiful and teachers are excellent. i believe i can learn more in this school and become a greater boy. besides, it is near my home ,so i can walk to school everyday.

4. what should i call you? (我该怎么称呼你?)

you can call me super basketball player.(从特长来说)

5. what’s your f**orite sports? why?(你喜欢什么运动?为什么?)

my f**ourite sport is basketball. because it is very cool.

6. which books do you like to read? why?(你喜欢读哪一本书,为什么?)

i like to read harry potter. because the boy in this book is very br**e.

7. what kind of talent do you h**e?(你有什么样的才能?)

i can...

8. what is your f**ourite music?why?(你最喜欢什么**,为什么?)

my f**ourite music is pop music. because it is very cool.

9. how to keep healthy?(如何保持健康?)

we should eat more vegetables and fruits . and do sports every day.

10. which is your f**orite chinese festival?/what chinese festival do you know?


there are new year's day 元旦, spring festival (chinese new year) 春节, qing ming festival(chinese memorial day) 清明节。

labor day 劳动节,dragon boat festival 端午节,mid-autumn festival (moon festival) 中秋节, national day 国庆节。

my f**orite chinese festival is mid-autumn festival, because our family can get together and eat the moon cake.

is your hobby?(你的爱好是什么?)

my hobby is playing basketball.

13. what do you think about that the students go to school with mobile phone?(你怎么看待学生上学带手机?

)everything has two sides. for some of the students , it is good. but for others , it is not good.

because a lot of the students like to play games on it. it is not good for their study. but we can use the phone to get some information we want , and contact with our parents .

it is very convenient(方便).so i think if we can use the phone in the right way, we can take it.

me something about your family.(告诉我一些关于你家庭的事。)

this is my family. there are five people in my family. they are my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother and me.

my grandpa was a policeman before. my grandma was a factory worker then. my father is a doctor.

he likes playing football. my mother is a nurse. she likes swimming.

what about me? i am a pupil. i like singing and dancing.

this is my sweet family. i love it so much.

15. film started at 11: 45 a.

m,, and ended at 1: 25 p. m, the film lasted(100)minutes(填数字)(一部电影在上午11点45开始,在下午1点25结束。


the film lasted(100)minutes.

16. do you like go shopping?who do you usually go shopping with?

what do you want to buy most? why?(你喜欢去购物吗?


)yes, i do. i usually go shopping with my mom. i want to buy some books.

because i like reading.

17. what day is it today?(今天是星期几?)

today is thursday.

18. what’s your f**orite food?(你最喜欢吃什么?)(可问why? 为什么?)

my f**ourite food is dumplings. because they are delicious.

19. when do you go to sleep every day?(你每天什么时候睡觉?)

i usually sleep at 9 o’clock. a good habit is good for my study.

20. usually what do you do on the weekend?(你在周末通常做些什么?)

i usually do my homework and help my mother do the housework.

21. what will you do, if you are one of the volunteers in olympic games?(如果你是奥运会上的一名志愿者,你会做什么?

)i will try my best to help others. help them find the way to the places they want to go.

far is it from your home to the school?(从你家到学校有多远?)

about 500 metres. so i usually go to school on foot.

23. how many courses h**e you studied in school?which course is the most important?



about 10 courses . i think they are all important. because i like them all .

i want to learn more.

24. what can you do if you are a volunteers of olympic games?(如果你是奥运会上的一名志愿者你会做什么?)

同 21题。

you like your mother's meals?(你喜欢你妈妈做的菜吗?)

yes, i do. it's so yummy.

your classmates friendly to you?(你的同学对你很友好吗?)

yes, they are. when i need help,they always help me.

many people are there in your family?(你们家庭有多少人?)

there are …people in my family . they are my… .

you read english every day?(你每天都读英语吗?)


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