1. what public holidays do you h**e in your country?
we’ve got loads of them, for example, the one that’s just passed wasthe national day holiday, and then we’ve got the spring festival of course-that’s probably the most important one- which is at the beginning ofthe year, sometime around, like, late january, beginning of february, thatkind of time. and uh, what else do we h**e? uh。
oh yeah, the dragonboat festival, mid-autumn festival, and um。
there are a few others aswell but i can’t remember them all off-hand i’m afraid!
2. do people in your country celebrate christmas?
um。it’s kind of hard to generalize, but i would say, to an extent,yeah. i mean, by and large, it’sthe younger generation that tend tocelebrate christmas, but they don’t celebrate it in the way westernerswould.
you know, in the west, people go to church, open presents, um。whereas over here, it’s kind of like, just, “let’s get together for a party, go
to ktv。” that sort of thing. so it is celebrated, but just in a slightlydifferent least that’s my understanding anyway!
3. do you like public holidays?
yeah i do. you know, it gives me the opportunity to be together withmy family for a bit, take some time off, so yeah, i always tend to lookforward to them.
4. which public holidays do you like the most?
that’s a good question。. i guess i would h**e to say the springfestival, which i’m sure is most people’s f**ourite, the main reason beingthat it’s by far the most important festival in our culture. and so everythingfeels just a bit different during that time.
you know, everyone seemshappier, the streets are livelier, and it’s basically just like one long partywhich stretches on for a week or two. and, it’s also probably the only timeofyear you can eat and drink to your heart’s content without feeling guiltyabout it!
5. what do other people in your country usually do on publicholidays?
i can’t speak for everyone, but i guess most people either stay athome or go tr**elling. and if you’ve ever stayed in china during a publicholiday, you’ll h**e seen for yourself the hordes of people that flock to allthe tourist spots, right across the country.
6. what would you like to do during the next public holiday?
umm。i h**en’t really given it much thought actually! but seeing as iwent tr**elling during the last one, i’ll probably just take it easy and spendthe time chilling out at home.
something like that!
7. do you think public holidays are important?
yeah, i think they really are, cos i mean, here in china, the public
holidays are always on a certain festival, so it’s one way of helpingmaintain all the various customs and traditions we h**e. just to give youan example, if you took away the dragon boat festival holiday, it probablywouldn’t get the attention it deserved, and over time, people might simplystop bothering with all the customs that are associated with the festival,like dragon-boat racing. so yeah, i think it’s pretty important that wecontinue to h**e them.
8. do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?
no, not really, if i’m gonna be honest with you. i mean, i think weh**e enough as it is. almost every month there seems to be a publicholiday of some sort, and you know, i think that’s more or less no need to go over the top with them , otherwise,。.
i guess itwould break up the momentum of our daily lives, if that makes sense!
4w—when, where, who, what, why;
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