
发布 2021-05-26 04:01:28 阅读 2305

we will encounter the enemy at dawn.我们将于黎明时与敌交战。

we were angry when we encountered, but we parted with smile.


he hoped to unnerve kennedy and force him into concessions.

他只希望动摇肯尼迪的信念, 迫使他让步。

the experience completely unnerved me.那段经历使我彻底丧失了信心。

she placed the handkerchief on a piece of ***** to dry on the radiator.


the two ends of the pipeline are connected with the radiator.管道的两端与暖气片相连接。

the car has a fancooled radiator.这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器。

top up the radiator before ****** a long journey.在长途旅行前加满散热器。

removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.


the radiator is giving out a lot of heat.散热器释放出很多热量。

where's the key for turning off the radiator?关散热器的开关在**?

his encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.他遇上了警卫犬,把他吓坏了。

i encountered an old friend at rome.我在罗马邂逅了一个老朋友。

drink up,then i’ll refill your glass.喝光,然后我再给你斟满。

i refilled the dog’s water bowl.我把狗的水碗重新加满了。

she refilled the teapot with boiling water.她把茶壶又添满了开水。

we include a refill with every ballpointed pen we sell.


do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.


do you h**e the slightest notion of what this means?你能明白一点儿这是什麽意思吗?

i don't mind in the slightest.我一点儿也不在乎。

victory was dawning on the battle front.战场上出现了胜利的曙光。

the fact has just dawned on me.我现在才明白这件事。

the truth began to dawn on him.他开始弄明白真相。

it dawned on me that it was only a dream.我渐渐明白这只是个梦。

it suddenly dawned on me that i'd caught the wrong train.我突然意识到我乘错了火车。

you can get a perspective of the whole city from here.从这里你可以看到城市的全景。

we may get a clear perspective of the people's happy lives.我们知道人民对幸福生活的展望。

she has drawn a good perspective.她画了一幅很好的透视图。

the painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective.


you must get the story in its right perspectives.你必须正确地了解这件事。

artists didn't understand perspective in those days.在那个年代艺术家们不懂透视法。

he grasped my arm.他抓住我的手臂。

i could not grasp her meaning.我不懂她的意思。

she grasped the letter and held it to her breast.她急切地抓住信把它举在胸前。

i kept her hand in my grasp.我抓住她的手。

he grasped at the opportunity.他抓住了机会。

i often reflect on my schooldays.我经常回忆起我上学的日子。

his cowardice reflects on his character.他的胆怯对他的性格带来不良影响。

he has to reflect on what answer to give.他得思考一下如何答复。

i always reflect on life when listening to beethoven's symphony.


i often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life.我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。

the news astonished everyone.这消息使大家感到惊讶。

i was astonished at the news.这消息着实让我吃了一惊。

i was astonished at the news of his escape.听到他逃之夭夭的消息,我感到惊讶。

most people abhor cruelty to animals.

they abhor all forms of racial discrimination.他们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。

mercy to the enemies means cruelty to the people.对敌人的仁慈就意味着对人民的残忍。

the pain-killer abated his splitting headache.

she's on (ie taking) pain-killers.她在服用止痛药。

abate pollution消除污染abate a tax减税abate an action终止诉讼。

his words abted my fury.他的话平息了我的暴怒。

the ache in my head abated.我的头疼减轻了。

the demand has considerably abated.需求量已显著减少。

the heat has abated.温度降低了。

the storm began to abate slightly.风暴开始稍有所减弱。

the worker’s concern about cuts in the welfare funding has not abated.


the recent public anxiety about this issue may now be abating.


she was splitting logs with an axe. 她正用斧子劈木头。

the band played a final gig in this theatre before splitting up.


i was out in the back yard splitting logs.我那时正在后院劈柴。

my head is splitting.我头疼欲裂。

there is a long split in his coat.他的大衣上裂了一条大口子。

the mountain village is adjacent to a highway.

these young students live in adjacent rooms.这些年轻的学生住在毗连的房间里。

we work in adjacent rooms.我们在毗邻的房间里工作。

the highway runs parallel with the railway.这条公路与那条铁路平行。

rivers are generally highways that speed trade and communication.


it's a highway to success.这是通往成功之路。

a good student does not need to be admonished about being absent too much.

the coach admonished the girls for being lazy.教练告诫姑娘们不要偷懒。

the teacher admonished the child for coming late to school.那个孩子迟到,老师批评了他。

people are much better informed since the advent of television.

since the advent of atomic power, there h**e been great changes in industry.


1.阅读理解中的高频动词。depict describe portray 描述 描绘。illustrate illuminate explain 说明 阐明。illustrate 举例说明。illuminate 照亮 说明。represent 表示 表现 声称 与as连用 说明 代表。present...


1.demolish 打败 2.academy 专科院校 学会。3.underpin 加强,巩固,构成 的基础,etc.4.intensive 集中的 密集的。5.extensive 广阔的 广泛的。6.nutritional 营养的。7.collaborate 合作。8.impact 影响。9.i...


scandal n.丑事,丑闻 scorn 轻蔑,鄙视。segment n.部分,断片。sentiment n.情绪,感情。sheer a.完全的,十足的。shrewd a.机灵的,敏锐的,精明的。signify vt.意味,表示。的意思。slack a.松弛的,不活跃的。slap vt.掴,拍 涂...