
发布 2021-05-26 02:02:28 阅读 4521

练口语,记单词(四级) 1

大学英语四级作文突破 210

李玉技老师的734条高频词组 222

a: you’re going to abandon me, just like that?

b: i’m sorry, but i’ve got an important job to do.


vt. 1.离弃,丢弃;2.遗弃,抛弃;3.放弃。

abandon oneself to 沉溺于。

with abandon 1.放任地,放纵地;2.纵情地

a: i think it’s important that all people h**e the ability to read.

b: i agree with you, but that’s easier said than done.


n. 1.能力,本领;2.才能,才智。

to the best of one’s ability 尽自己最大努力。

a: how many passengers are there aboard the ship?

b: seventy-six, i think.


prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车)

ad. 在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车)

a: are you planning on studying abroad?

b: i’d like to, but i’m not sure if i’ll h**e enough money.


ad. 1.到国外,在国外;2.在传播,在流传。

a: i noticed your absence in class this morning.

b: i’m sorry, i overslept.


n. 1.缺席,不在;2.缺席的时间,外出期;3.缺乏,不存在。

a: i can’t believe the boss was absent from today’s meeting.

b: neither can i .


a. 1.缺席的,不在场的;2.缺乏的,不存在的;3.心不在焉的,出神的。

a: we h**e absolute proof that you committed the crime.

b: that’s absolutely ridiculous!


a. 1.十足的,道地的;2.绝对的,完全的;3.不受任何限制(或约束)的。

a: this ***** absorbs water so quickly!

b: yes, it’s great for cleaning up spills.


vt. 1.吸收;2.吸引…的注意,使全神贯注;3.把…并入,同化。

a: why aren’t you doing well in the class?

b: the material is so abstract that i h**e trouble understanding it.


a. 1.抽象的;2.抽象派的。

n. 1.摘要,梗概;2.抽象派艺术作品。

vt. 1.做…的摘要;2.提取,抽取。

in the abstract 抽象地,在理论上。

a: labor is an abundant resource here.

b: one of many abundant resources, i’d like to point out.


a. 1.大量的,充足的;2.(in)丰富的,富裕的。

a: i hate to see the abuse of animals.

b: it makes me sick.


n. 1.滥用,妄用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤。

vt. 1.滥用,妄用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤。

a: i really dislike reading academic books.

b: that may be so, but reading them is an important way to expand your knowledge.


a. 1.学校的,学院的;2.学术的;3.纯理论的,不切实际的。

n. 大学教师。

a: the academy is an important part of the education system.

b: i couldn’t agree with you more.


n. 1.研究院,学会;2.(中等以上)专门学校。

a: look how fast that car can accelerate!

b: i’ve never seen anything like it .


v. (使)加快,(使)增速。

a: i’m sorry, i’m h**ing a little trouble understanding your accent.

b:i’ll try to speak more clearly.


n. 1.口音,腔调; 2.重音,重音符号。

vt. 重读。

a: how’s work?

b: i feel like i’m finally gaining my co-worker’s acceptance..


n. 1.接受,接纳;2.赞同,承认;3.容忍

a: i wish i had access to the public library.

b: it’s easy! just go and get a card.


n. 1.通道,入口;2.接近,进入;接近(或进入、享用)的机会。

vt. 存取(计算机文件)

a: how did you two meet?

b:to tell you the truth, it was completely accidental.


a. 意外的,偶然(发生)的。

a: what sort of accommodation can you supply for me?

b: we’ve got a beautiful two-room double with a bath an shower.


n. [常pl.] 住处,膳宿。

a: would you be willing to accompany me to the party tonight?

b: sure , i’d love to .


vt. 1.陪伴,陪同;2.伴随,和…一起发生;3.为…伴奏(或伴唱)

a: what kind of job do you think i should get?

b: it all depends on what you want to accomplish in your life.


vt. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言等)

a: the numbers in this table don’t seem to be in accord with reality.

b: i know, but these are the figures that we came up with.


n. 1.一致,符合;2.(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议。

vi. (with)相符合,相一致,相和谐。

vt. 授予,赠与,给予。

of one’s own accord 出于自愿,主动地。

in accord with 与…一致,与…相符合。

with one accord 一致地,一致同意地。

a: why didn’t you sign the contract?

b: because that company’s beh**ior is not in accordance with international law.


n. 一致,和谐,符合。

in accordance with 与…一致,依照,根据。

a: when should i make my presence known?

b: wait for my instructions and then proceed accordingly


ad. 1.照着,相应地;2.因此,所以,于是。

a: why are you holding me in this jail cell?

b: we’d like to hear your account of the events of last night.


n. 1.记述,描述,报告;2.帐,帐户;3.解释,说明。

vi. 1.(for)说明…的原因,是…的原因;2.(在数量、比例方面)占。

of no account 不重要的。

on account of 为了…的缘故,因为,由于。

on no account 绝不,绝对不。

take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅。

take…into account 见take account of :考虑到,顾及,体谅。

a: my accountant thinks she can s**e me lots of money on my taxes this year.

b: that sounds great!


n. 会计人员,会计师。

a: you shouldn’t let the dirty dishes accumulate in the sick!

b: i know, i should wash them right away.


vt. 堆积,积累,积聚。

vi. 累积,聚积。

a: when shooting a gun, accuracy is very important.

b: you only need to tell me that once.


n. 准确(性),精确(性)


高频词汇 1.bargain 见了就选 讨价还价,成交。2.except for 见了就选 除 之外。3.offer 录取通知书 提议。4.effects 个人财物 5.gap 不足 差距 6.mark 污点 做标记 7.mind 照料 看管 8.moment 考了8次 瞬间,重要时刻,契机。9.p...


1993年1月 2008年6月大学英语四级听力原文 试题 答案 33套 原创 大家版收藏级大学英语四级历年真题大全 89 07年39套 文本及听力。cet4考试必备英语四级听力 原文 汇总。新书 长喜英语四级听力必备知识及各类词汇。2010版长喜 英语4级标准听力 电子书及 新东方大学英语考试四级听...

