
发布 2021-05-25 00:09:28 阅读 5710


module 4unit 1advertising



获益) greatly by this frank talk.

2.the experiment is意图) to test the new drug.3.this ****** solution**) me of biting my nails.

4.according to the text,what was the author决定) to do in that autumn?5.an acid can反应) with a base to form a salt.

6.it is impolite to评论) on others behind their back.7.we h**e no idea how to___说服) him to give up the idea.8.can you推荐) me some new books on this subject?

9.this anti-smoking campaign is mainly旨在) at young teenagers.

10.the police are___呼吁) to the public for information about the crime.ⅱ.单项填空。



figure out,deal with,be meant to,fall in love with

conference___solve some important problems.2. someone mightyour smile.

3. it's how you___failure that determines how you achieve success.4.

it didn't take the children long___the correct answer.ⅱ.完成句子。


module 4unit 2sports events



1.it is a传统) that women get married in long white dresses.2.they are___高兴的) that they h**e exploded such a fallacy.3.we h**e to___竞争) with our rivals like all our competitors.

4.do you know the起源) of the tradition?

5.would you___赏光) me by dining with me tonight?

6.the teacher demanded an explanation for his___缺席) from class.7.if you make an尝试) to do something, you try to do it.

8.i'm not feeling very well today否则) i would do it myself.

9.if you do something in___联系) with someone else, you do it together.10.the proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little意义).



make a contribution to,hang on to,make way for,bring about,pass on to1. science has __many changes in our lives.

2. the queen is___the money___a selection of her f**orite charities.3.

she was conscious of a second man __the rail.4. your project will h**e to___the main project.

5.as a student,we should __the society.ⅱ.翻译句子。


module 4 unit 3tomorrow's world



1.the___印象) is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over.2.his hope has become a___现实).

3.he___指责) his boss of h**ing broken his word.

4.if you don't speak good english, you'll be at a big __不利因素) when you try to get a job.5.your encouragement made me more___有信心) of my future.6.the store provided more seats for the方便) of customers.

7.they attach great___重要性) to the project.8.the prisoners attempted to___逃跑) but failed.

9.conservation programs cannot___正常运行) without local support.10.the music渐弱) out at the end of the scene.



come across;add to;as to;compared to;put forward

1. we should __an effective way to improve our english study.2.i h**e never___anyone quite like her before.

3. he did nothing but___our trouble.

4.__your ability the overfulfil the target,i never had the slightest doubt.5.anna is 50 years old,but she is young___her 99-year-old grand mother.


1.他不仅聪明而且学习努力。not onlybut also __hard.2.她不仅漂亮而且善良。

shekind.3.电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人those who can read but to those who can't.4.

依我之见,是我们该有台新电脑的时候了。in my opinionwe___new computers.


module 1 unit 1 1.低矮的楼房 2.和 愉快相处 3.另外三天 4.领某人参观 5.感到舒适 6.以 命名 7.一次难忘的经历 8.比平常 9.上学 10.赢得尊重。11.实现目标 12.最喜爱的科目 13.平均 14.过去常常 15.非常。16.发电子邮件17.免费 18.一点也不...


1.a scientific study article 一篇科学研究 2.all of a sudden 突然,猛地。3.arrive at get to reach 到达。4.as well 也,还。5.at the beginning end of 在开头 在结尾。6.bang into 撞在...


aabandon abandon doing sth 放弃做某事。absence absence of mind 心不在焉 be absent from 缺席,不在。absorb be absorbed in 沉浸于。access h e access to a car computer有可供使用的...