中考英语词汇表重点必考语句 考前必看

发布 2021-05-23 20:37:28 阅读 4955


a1. i received their invitation yesterday,but i decided not to accept it.


2. i'd love to go on holiday but i can't afford the time.


3. television affords pleasure to many people. 电视给许多人提供了愉悦。

4. we walked against the snow我们迎着雪行走。

5. most people are against the new idea. 绝大多数人反对这个新想法。

6. we agree to meet up later and talk things over. 我们同意稍后见面谈谈这些事情。

7. i asked for a pay rise and she agreed我要求加薪,她同意了。

8. do you agree with me about the need for more school?


9. my boss doesn’t allow me to use the telephone. 我的老板不允许我用这个**。

10. smoking is not allowed here这儿不允许抽烟。

11. we can do it another time我们可以下次再做这个。

12. i don’t like this pen. please give me another. 我不喜欢这只笔,请给我另一只。

13. h**e you had an answer to his letter? 你给他回了信吗?

14. helen is anxious about tr**eling on her own.


15. peggy is anxious to show that she can work out the problem.


16. roger appeared very upsetroger 显得很难过。

17. i appreciated his help when we moved.


18. “thanks, boys. i appreciate it.”


19. asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an excellent employee (雇员)


20. did you ask your boss for a pay increase? 你向老板要求加薪过么?

b21. we could hear the rain beating on the roof. 我们可以听到雨水正敲打着屋檐。

22. he’s alive—i can feel his heart beating.


23. i could always beat my brother at chess. 在下象棋方面我总能打败我哥哥。

24. try to follow the beat试着跟着节拍。

25. she didn’t believe such things mattered much. 她不相信这种事情会很要紧。

26. will there be anyone else we know at the party besides will and janet?

除了will 和 janet以外,派对上会有我们认识的别的人吗?

27. i don’t like those shoes;besides,they’re too expensive.


28. he is good at describing things他擅长于描述事物。

29. he is in good health.(=he is very healthy.) 他身体状况良好。

30. your mother will be very pleased with you. 你妈妈将会为你感到高兴/满意。

31. we h**e similar opinions. my opinions are similar to hers.


32. she is very strict with her children她对她的孩子们很严格。

33. we’re not supposed to smoke here我们不应该在这抽烟。

34. how much are they willing to pay他们乐意付多少钱?

35. you can borrow the book from the library. 你可以从图书馆借这本书。

36. danny, stop bothering me while i’m trying to work.


37. a piece of china breaks easily一件瓷器很容易被打碎。

38. i’m exhausted-- i need a break我累坏了--我需要休息。

39. the sun shone through a break in the clouds. 阳光从云朵的间隙中照射下来。

40. the lifts in this building are always breaking down.


41. another bridge has been built over the river. 这条河上又修了一座桥。

42. he is in the wool business他是做羊毛生意的。

43. his parents promised to buy him a new bike. 他的父母允诺给他买辆新自行车。

c44. do you think we should call at bob’s while we’re in london?


45. the government called in the police to deal with the problems.


46. i called him up and told him the news. 我打**给他,告诉他这则消息。

47. the sound of happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.


48. cross the road with care过马路时要小心。

49. i don’t think she cares about what happens to her children.


50. would you care for a drink你想不想要来点喝的?

51. she cares for her father through his long illness.


52. be careful not to fall小心点不要掉下来。

53. i was so careless with my things我对自己的东西很粗心。

54. these bags carry easily这些包很容易拿。

55. they are carrying out urgent repairs他们正在进行紧急修理。

56. we carried out her instructions to the letter. 我们执行了她对这封信的指示。

57. she threw the ball and i caught it她扔球我接住了。

58. the cat catches mice猫捉老鼠。

59. the police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train.


60. you’ll catch (a) cold if you don’t put a sweater on.


61. the he**y rain was the cause of the flood. 大雨是导致洪灾的原因。

= the flood was the result of the he**y rain. 洪灾是大雨的结果。

62. where can i change my english money for dollars?


63. they spent the day (in) cleaning out the garage.


64. the mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决定彻底清理全城。

65. how’s martin coming along with his english? 马丁的英语进展如何?

66. when the right opportunity comes along, she’ll take it.


67. jobs are hard to come by these days最近工作很难找/得到。

68. the magazine comes out once a month. 这本杂志每个月出版一次。

69. the dream comes true这个梦想实现了。

came up with a good idea to solve the problem.


71. he can’t compare with shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.


72. she complained to me about his rudeness. 她向我抱怨他的无礼。

73. mum is the best cook in the world妈妈是世上最好的厨师。


011 年中考英语词汇表。a1.art.一 个 件 2.n.能力,本领,技能 才能,才干。3.a.能够,有能力的。4.prep.关于,在各处,四处ad.大约,到处,四处。5.prep.在 上面a.上面的ad.在 之上。6.adv.到国外,在海外。7a.不在的,缺席的,缺勤的。8vt.接受,13v.完...


aaccept 接受,同意v.according to 根据 prep.across 穿过 adv.act 做 干 表演v.advertisement 广告n.advice 建议n.against 接触 对抗prep age 年龄n.airplane 飞机n.airport 飞机场n.allow 允...


词汇表。aa an 一,一个。abandon 放弃,丢弃。ability 能力,才能。able 能干的。abnormal 反常的,不规则的。aboard 在船 飞机,车 上。abolish 废除,取消。abortion 流产,堕胎。about 大约,关于。above 在 上面,超过。abroad 到...