
发布 2021-05-23 19:11:28 阅读 4944

24 加速成本收回制度 accelerated cost recovery system

25 加速折旧法,快速折旧法 accelerated depreciation method

72 会计国际化 accounting internationalization

95 会计准则委员会(英) accounting standards committee

100 《会计趋势和会计技术》 accounting trend and techniques

108 应收账款账龄分析表 accounts receivable aging schedule

110 应收账款收款期 accounts receivable collection period

111 已贴现应收账款 accounts receivable discounted

113 应收账款管理 accounts receivable management

216 通用财务报表,通用会计报表 all-purpose financial statement

219 可选择性会计方法 alternative accounting methods

222 美国会计学会 american accounting association

224 美国注册会计师协会,美国注册公共会计师协 american institute of certified public accountants

246 年金折旧法 annuity method of depreciation

264 已拨定留存收益,已指定用途留存收益 appropriated retained earnings

306 应收账款转让 assignment of accounts receivable

308 **会计师协会 association of government accounting

355 应付账款平均付款期 **erage payment period (of accounts payable)

456 基础语言,初学者通用符号指令语言 beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code

559 英国会计学会 british accounting association

685 现金流量对资本支出比率 cash-flow to capital-expenditure ratio

714 确定等值系数 certainty equivalent coefficient

715 验资证明书 certificate of capital verification

725 注册信息系统审计师 certified information system auditor

727 注册管理会计师 certified management accountant

732 董事长 chairman of the board of director

738 信托财产(或遗产)收支报表 charge and discharge statement

770 股东产权分类 classification of stockholders, equity

833 普通商业语言 common business oriented language

856 编辑财务报表,编辑会计报表 compilation of financial statement

862 复杂信息处理 complex information processing

872 复利折旧法 compound interest method of depreciation

885 电子计算机辅助财务管理 computer-aided financial management

908 集团公司财务报表,集团公司会计报表 conglomerate financial statement

913 合并财务报表,合并会计报表 consolidated financial statement

919 不变购买力会计 constant purchase power accounting

921 建筑合同会计 construction contract accounting

929 会计团体协商委员会 consultative committee of accounting bodies

932 欧洲大陆会计 continental european accounting

941 专业进修教育,专业连续教育 continuing professional education

954 实缴股本的**溢价 contributed capital in excess of par value

956 贡献毛利法定价 contribution approach to pricing

958 贡献毛利损益表 contribution margin income statement

1028 成本与市价孰低法 cost or market, whichever is lower

1124 应付账款占用天数 days purchases in accounts payable

1125 应收账款收款天数 days sales in accounts receivable

1166 在确定情况下制定决策 decision ****** under certainty

1167 在不确定情况下制定决策 decision ****** under uncertainty

1178 余额递减折旧法 declining-balance method (of depreciation)

1337 分部贡献毛利损益表 divisional contribution margin income statement

1338 分部业绩评价 divisional performance evaluation

1343 双倍余额递减折旧法 double-declining-balance method of depreciation

1372 支付利息和税款前收益 earnings before interest and tax

1403 电子财务计算器 electronic financial calculator

1404 电子资金转账系统 electronic funds transfer system

1408 财务报表要素、会计报表要素 elements of financial statement

1417 退休职工收入保障法 employee retirement income security act

1447 产权资本对债务总额比率 equity capital to total debit ratio

1477 内部控制评价 evaluation of internal control

1489 超额累积收益税 excess earnings accumulation tax

1505 高级管理人员**购买计划 executive stock acquisition plan

1570 联邦存款保险公司 federal deposit insurance corporation

1572 联邦社会保险税 federal insurance contribution act tax

1608 财务资本维护概念 financial capital maintenance concept

1612 高级财务管理人员协会 financial executives institute

1641 《金融时报》普通股**指数 financial times ordinary share index

1658 固定资产对产权资本比率 fixed-assets to equity-capital ratio

1669 固定间接费用开支差异 fixed overhead spending variance

1671 固定间接费用业务量差异 fixed overhead volume variance

1702 国外信用保险协会 foreign credit insurance association

1712 外币折算风险 foreign currency translation risk

1721 外汇风险管理 foreign exchange risk management

1769 完全稀释的每股收益 fully diluted earnings per share

1790 未来值利息系数表,终值利息系数表 future value interest factor table

1799 关税与**总协定 general agreement on tariffs and trade

1800 一般管理费用 general and administrative expense

1809 公认会计原则 generally accepted accounting principles

1810 公认审计准则 generally accepted auditing standards

1811 股东大会 general meeting of stockholders

1816 一般物价水平会计 general price level accounting

1817 通用财务报表,通用会计报表 general purpose financial statement

1844 **会计准则委员会 governmental accounting standards board

1976 支付利息和税款前收益 income before interest and tax

1981 连续经营部门营业收益 income from continuing operations

1982 停业部门营业收益 income from discontinued operations

2067 分期付款法(确认营业收入) installment method( of revenue recognition)


1aaa 美国会计学会。2abacus 算盘 杂志。3abacus 算盘考试大论坛。4abandonment废弃,报废 委付。5abandonment value 废弃价值。6abatement 减免 冲销。7ability to service debt 偿债能力。8abnormal cost 异...


1aaa 美国会计学会。2abacus 算盘 杂志。3abacus 算盘考试大论坛。4abandonment废弃,报废 委付。5abandonment value 废弃价值。6abatement 减免 冲销。7ability to service debt 偿债能力。8abnormal cost 异...


accelerated depreciation method 计算折旧时,初期所提的折旧大于后期各年。加速折旧法主要包括余额递减折旧法。declining balance depreciation,双倍余额递减折旧法。double declining balance depreciation,年限...