
发布 2021-05-23 03:58:28 阅读 2854

do you speak english?

do you speak english?

do you speak english?

yes. yes, i speak english.

do you speak french?

do you speak french?

no. no, i don't speak french.

do you speak korean?

do you speak korean?

yes. yes, i speak korean.

do you speak chinese?

do you speak chinese?

no. no, i don't speak chinese.

keys1、此歌谣用的是一般现在时,表示现阶段人或事物的特性或状态,以及客观真理等。当主语是第三人称单数形式时,谓语动词要发生变化。例如,does she speak english?

yes, she speaks english.

2、english 英语 french 法语。

chinese 汉语 german 德语。

japanese 日语 korean 朝鲜语。

monkey, monkey,

what are you doing?

mr bear, mr bear.

what are you doing?

i'm dancing, dancing, dancing.

cha, cha, cha.

miss rabbit, miss rabbit.

what are you doing?

i'm hopping, hopping, hopping.

hop, hop, hop.

mr monkey, mr monkey.

what are you doing?

i'm crying, crying, crying.


keys1、此歌谣用的是现在进行时态,表示说话时,或现阶段正在进行的动作或发生的情况。由be(am, is, are)+doing构成。


(2)dance-dancing write-writing

(3)hop-hopping run-running

where are you going?

where are you going?

what are you going to do?

we're taking a trip.

to the beijing zoo.

we're going by bike .

we're going by train.

we live near beijing,so we won't take a plane.

keys1、此歌谣用的是一般将来时,表示相对于讲话时间将要发生的动作或情况。由be(am, is, are)+going to do构成。另外,shall/will


2、by bike 骑自行车。

by bus 乘公共汽车。

by car乘小汽车。

by taxi 乘出租车。

by ship 乘轮船。

by train 乘火车。

by plane 乘飞机。

by subway 乘地铁。

on foot 步行。

what did you do last monday?

what did you do last monday?

i went to school and came home late.

what did you do last tuesday?

i learned english and made a mistake.

what did you do last wednesday?

i got up and went to library.

what did you do last thursday?

i played football and lost the game.

what did you do last friday?

i watched tv and went to bed late.

what did you do last saturday?

i went to a zoo and saw a big whale.

what did you do last sunday?

i was at home and made a toy plane.


2、(1) learn-learned play-played

watch-watched wash-washed

(2) stop-stopped hop-hopped

(3) fly-fliedcry-cried

(4) go-wentcome-came



mommy, mommy

mommy, mommy.

here are my gifts-a special hug.

and a great big kiss.

you always love me.

even when i'm bad.

you always love me.

and never le**e me sad.

keys母亲节:(mother's day)5月的第二个星期日,英美人为了感谢母亲一年所付出的辛劳而规定的节日,现在已被大多数国家接受。

thank you,

thank you,

thank you

thank you, thank you, thank you.

it's what i love to hear.

thank you, thank you, thank you.

it really is quite clear.

when i hear "thank you".

it makes things all worthwhile.

when i hear "thank you".

it makes me want to smile.

i like to know that others.

appreciate what i do.

i just love to hear those words.

thank you, thank you, thank you!"

keys感恩节:(thanksgiving day)11月第4个星期四,为了感谢上帝的恩赐,美国人自发形成了这个传统节日。



pumpkin pie 南瓜饼。

if i were a bird

if i were a bird.

i'd sing a song.

and fly around.

the whole day long.

and when it was dark.

i'd go to rest.

up in my cozy.

little nest.

keys复活节(easter) 春分月圆后的第1个星期日,这是西方**教古老的传统节日。

easter egg 复活节彩蛋。


five little monkeys

five little monkeys jumping on the bed.

one fell off and bumped his head.

mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

four little monkeys jumping on the bed.

one fell off and bumped his head.

mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

three little monkeys jumping on the bed.

one fell off and bumped his head.

mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

two little monkeys jumping on the bed.

one fell off and bumped his head.

mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

one little monkey jumping on the bed.

one fell off and bumped his head.

mama called the doctor , and the doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


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