
发布 2021-05-23 00:04:28 阅读 3161

all 根本不,一点也不。

i don’t agree with you at all.

/ make sth./ sb +adj. 保持/使某物怎么样。

please keep the classroom clean.

直到…才。he didn’t get up until nine o’clock this morning.

…that… 如此…以至于…( 加从句)

the native people spoke english so fast that i couldn’t understand them.

so that…以便于,为了。

he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.

(a) +adj.+n. that… 如此…以至于…

it is such an interesting movie that i h**e seen it twice. =the movie is so interesting that i h**e seen it twice.

sth. 在某事上花时间/ 花时间做某事。

how long do you spend on sports every week?

= how long do you spend playing sports every week?

prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。

nothing can stop us (from) achieving / realizing our dreams.

to do /stop doing 停下来做某事/ 停止做某事。

the students h**e studied for two hours. it’s necessary for them to stop to h**e a rest.

/ bring sth. with sb. 某人随身带某物。

it is raining outside. you’d better take an umbrella with you.

would like to do…/ would you like sth. …我想做…/你想…吗?

my mother would like to go somewhere relaxing this winter vacation.

tomorrow is saturday. would you like to go skating with me?

(would, could) you please do…? 请你…好吗?

would / could you please help me (to) hand out advertisements after school?

find it adj. to do sth. 某人发现做…很…

he found it difficult for her to finish the work in two days.

longer/no longer not…any more/no more

his father did not smoke any more after the operation.


he ran too fast for me to catch up with.

sb. for sth./ doing sth. 谢谢某人某事 / 做某事。

thanks for sending me the photo of your family.

sth / doing sth. to sth / doing sth. 和…相比更喜欢…

i prefer tea to coffee.

= i prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.

+比较级…, the +比较级…, 越…就越…

---when do you expect i’ll be back?

---the sooner, the better.

the more trees we plant, the fewer sandstorms we will h**e.

is sth. wrong with… =sth is wrong with sth. 某物出问题了/有毛病了。

he said something was wrong with the machine.

=he said there was something wrong with the machine.

wrong / the matter with…? 怎么了?

what’s wrong/ the matter with his bike?

about / how about + doing/ +sth.…?怎么样?

what about going to the movie with me tonight as you h**e nothing to do?

/ hear / watch / notice sb. do ( doing) sth. 看见 / 听见某人做某事 /正在做某事。

can you hear her singing next door / in the next room?

be two meters (years) long (old) …两米长 /…两岁大。

the great wall is about 6,700 kilometers long.

important / difficult / easy /convenient/ necessary / possible / impossible for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说很重要 / 困难 / 容易方便/ 有必要 / 可能 / 不可能。

it’s easy for kids to keep goldfish.

it’s necessary for students to h**e enough sleep every day.

to do/be… 过去常常。

she used to be afraid of being alone.

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。

he is used to getting up early now.

soon as 一…就… (主将从现)

i’ll let you know as soon as he comes back.

26.(not) as/so…as… 和…一样/不如… (中间接形容词或副词原级)

the river is not as / so clean as it used to be.

…as possible 尽可能…

when you get there, please write back to me as soon as possible.

we should read as many books as possible.

sb. for sth. 向某人要某物。

he put up some signs asking for old bikes.

/ tell sb. (how) to do sth. 让某人做某事/告诉某人(如何)做某事。

my mother often tells me not to hang out after school.

afraid of doing sth./ be afraid that 害怕做某事 / 恐怕…

i’m afraid of speaking in front of the public.

busy with sth /doing sth. 忙于(做)某事。

when i got home the other day, my mother was busy cooking dinner.

famous / late / ready / sorry for 以…而有名/ …迟到/ 为…准备好/ 为…感到遗憾。

i was late for school yesterday because my alarm clock didn’t go off.

glad that… 很高兴+ 从句。

i am glad (that) you can help him with his schoolwork.

…and… 既…又;和。

he is interested in both science and history.

/ give / show / send / pass / bring / lend / tell sb. sth.(跟双宾语的动词) 给某人买某物/某物/看某物/传递某物/带来某物/借给某人某物/告诉……

could you please lend me 50 dollars?

36. get + 比较级变得更…

winter has come and it’s getting colder.


all 根本不,一点也不。我一点儿也不同意你的观点。i don t agree with you at all.make sth.sb adj.保持 使某物怎么样。请保持教室的清洁。please keep the classroom clean.直到 才。今天早上直到九点钟他才起床。he didn ...


基础练习。1.到上学的时候了。it sto school 2.躺在床上看书对你的眼睛没有好处 有害 to read in bed 3你最好不要在街上玩。youin the street 4 我们每天要花2小时做家庭作业。itour homework every day 5 你怎么了?what syo...


1.你在做什么?我在打扫。2.他在等什么?3.上海的天气怎么样?4.你在做什么?我在看电视。5.她在做什么?她在做作业。6.你先去看电影吗?当然。7.你什么时候想去?咱们六点钟去吧。8.他们都正在去哪儿?9.人们在哪儿打篮球?在学校。10.她在购物吗?不,她在和朋友们吃午饭。11.谢谢你的信和 12...