
发布 2021-05-22 02:58:28 阅读 6210



课题 unit4 we love animals


教学目标:1. 能理解对话,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;

2. 根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演;

3. 能在语境中初步运用what's this? it's a ..来交流动物信息。


1. 理解对话意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;

2. 初步运用新句型what's this? it's a ..来交流相关动物信息。


问题导入:1. 情景创设与热身活动。


a. greetings:

t: good morning boys and girls.

s: good morning, jason.

b. revision: what's this?


t: look, kids. what's this?

it's a magic hat. and what's this? it's a cape.

i am a magician now.

t: look! what's this?

oh it's a piece of *****. what's this? it's a nose.

look! what's this? it's a ..

互动合作。2. presentation呈现部分。

教师继续在帽子里变出一些文具,让孩子们尝试全班用“what's this? it's a ..来问与答。同时呈现小狗与小鸭子的塑胶动物,并学习这两个单词。

t: now look here. what's this?

what's this? it's a pen. what's this?

what's this? it's a ..come here, touch and guess.

what's this? it's a ..

展示交流。3. practice

a. 看高级魔术表演。

教师展示一只手问学生what's this? it's a hand. 再展示另一只手询问学生what's this?

学生回答,it's a hand. 紧接着,老师用双手,借助射灯,在屏幕上做出鸭子的手影,然后再一次问what's this?学生会惊讶地回答it's a duck.


t: look! what's this?

it's a hand. what's this? it's a hand, too.

then what's this? it's a ..duck)

b. 看图初步了解课文大意。

教师引出吴一凡和mike也在玩魔术,给学生展示课文图,看(图,提出问题:1. what are they doing?

3. what are they ******? 4.

can they make bears? 引起孩子们的思考。


t: mike and wu yifan are playing magic, too. look at the pictures, guess 1.

what are they doing? 3. what are they ******?

4. can they make bears?

ss: what's this? it's a ..

t: maybe / good try. /it could be ..now let's listen to the tape.


t: so in picture 1, what are they talking?

ss: what's this? it's a ..

t: yes, you are right. and picture 2?

now let's read after the tape.

can anyone come here and act out the dialogue?

pay attention to the last picture. oh, it's zoom. they are so disappointed.

d. make hand magic

教师带领学生做手影魔术的练习,把句型what's this?it's a ..作为魔术语,并板书,让学生边做动作边说这两句话,加强对句型的上口与操练,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,一举两得。

t: wu yifan and mike are ****** hand magic. can you do it?

who can do it? do you want to h**e a try? who want to come here and h**e a try?

e. role play


巩固拓展。4. extending (let's make!)


t: now let's h**e a hand magic competition. discuss in your groups and practice in your groups.

2 minutes to play magic in groups. ready? go.

5. 小结与评价。

教师检查两组的拼比结果,并借助评价的图,再一次用what's this?it's a ..来问答,加深巩固本课重点句型,同时也作为本课的小结。

作业布置。a. 跟读课文三次并表演。

b. 教家长做手影活动。

板书设计:unit 4 we love animals

what's this? it's a ..



课题 unit4 we love animals



1. 能在语境中运用what's this?it's a ..来交流物品信息。

2. 能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等几种动物的名称。

3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。


听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等动物的名称。



复习上一节课的内容:“what's this? it's a ..

教师呈现动物拼图,让孩子们猜。通过猜的游戏,既复习了上一节课的句型,同时也为歌曲的呈现铺垫,了解chick, duck, dog, cow, bear, pig, cat 等词汇。



t: good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning, miss deng.

t: before the class, let me see whether you can remember this? look! what's this?

ss: it's a dog.( chick, duck, cow, bear, farm屏幕最后出农场图,老师再引学生看黑板)

t: and what's this?

s: it's a farm.

t: and this?

s: it's a farm.

t: yes, it's a farm. whose farm is this?

.it's my friend old macdonald's. let's say hello to om.

s: hello, om.

t: what's can you see on his farm? then, what else are on his farm?

ss: .animal, vege, fruits.

t: (repeat students' answer, dog, duck, so many animals, maybe ..

yes, he has many animals. then what animals are they? listen to the song.

and you will know it. listen carefully

互动合作:2. prensetation

1) 单词教学。

教师提问孩子们,刚才的歌曲中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。歌曲中的象声词,帮助学生理解单词的意思。

听完歌曲)t: what animals are on his farm?

ss: duck, pig, dog.

t: yes, there are some ducks on the farm. follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack.

can you act like a duck? follow me, please. duck, duck, quack, quack.


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