
发布 2021-05-21 12:23:28 阅读 5201


unit 1

beard ;胡须;近义:moustache;嘴唇上的小胡子;bear熊;出生;忍受;支持;背,负担,负载,负荷;承担;bear /stand doing;



tight ;紧的;紧密的;loose; 松的;tighten; v:firm; stable; steady;fasten;tough;

edition ;版本;edite;editor编辑、主编; publish ;come out;make up; 编造。

brewery ;啤酒厂;beer; wine; alchol; 酒精;alcoholic;drinks;spirit;brandy白兰地;whiskey威士忌;soft drink; coffee;coke;tea;

conclude ; conclusion;推论;达成;结论;reach/arrive at/come to conclusion/drow conclusion 得出结论;agreement;/compromise 和解; infer;推断、理;

hire/employ ;v. 雇佣; 租用;nemploy;fire;dismiss;

rent ; v. 出租;租借; [lent; cent;tent;

length ;长度;long; width—wide;

high---height;depth---deep;warmth; health; wealth;

althletic/athlete ; 远动(员)(的);[player;

sport;/match/game/sports meet/compete/ /competition;

fade ;v.【谐音】“废的”;-凋谢、褪色;die down;

in a row = one by one ;one after another,一个接一个;接连不断地。

in the first place ; first fo all, above all; 首先;in the last place;to begin with; on the one hand; on the other hand;for one thing; for another thing;

account ; 叙述;账目;帐户;count ;数数;计算;重要;算数;take …into account/consideration考虑;

attempt ; vt./n =effort尝试;企图;努力;tempter ; n.脾气;temperory暂时的;contemporary当代的;current;

suitable ; adj. 合适的、恰当的;proper ;be suitable /fit for ; fit; be suited to;

apply for 申请;请求; apply to适应;应用;applicition;applicant求职者;

inspect ; v. 视察;检查;check;examine;test;

confirm ;v. 证实;确认;assure;insure,make sure;/be sure;insect(昆虫);[害虫pest;

certificate ; v.证书;证明;diploma文凭;、proof/evidence/turn out to be;prove;

bid ; bid bid); 喊价;投标;charge; bargain;forbid;禁止。

decade ;十年;annaul 每年的,anniversary,周年纪念;dozen/十二 score二十;fortnight十四日、两周;

committee ; 委员会;commit犯罪、犯错;commit a crime犯罪,commit to 委托;交给;【串记】the committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission. 委员会承认它在委任使团时犯的疏忽。

fasinate ; v .迷住;使神魂颠倒;puzzle;strike;be lost in/ be addicted to;

burst ;v. (burst; burst) into crying/laughter 突然哭、笑起来;explode;爆发;**;bomb炸弹;

underline ; vt.下划线;强调;underlined ; adj.划线的;强调的;undertake;underground;

globe ; n. 地球(仪); global; adj. 全球的;universe; universal ; earth; [rob;抢;

bush ; n. 灌木(丛);[brush 刷子;毛笔;push;推;woods;forest;

skillful ; adj. 熟练的;有经验的;esperienced ; expert;

admininstration ; n. 管理;行政机关;authority 权威;权力;manage; rule ;control;;govern;government;【串记】in the administration, this minister is in charge of registering regional 在内阁中这个部长负责登记区域宗教。

permission ; 允许;许可;admit; allow;

familiar ;adj. 熟悉的;be familiar with; [family; strange;

centre on /concentrate on /focus on 集中……注意力。以、把 ……当作重心;lay stress on;强调;

helmet ; n .头盔;安全帽;meet的过去式:met. [mask;面罩,面具。

truly ;true的副词; honestly;loyal, earnest, sincerely; (写信结尾客套话);[faulse; fault;,real;

delight; 乐趣,高兴;delighted; adj. [light;[,joy, happiness; pleasure,energetic 精力充沛的;充满活力的;

]:energy;power; strength; force;

cautious ; 小心的;谨慎的;careful;

register ; n. 注册;登记;复习:sign ; 签名;报名;

skim ; v. 浏览;略读;scan;look through;

]: sailfish(旗鱼)--selfish(自私);

feat ; n.(功绩;成绩)--feast(宴会);a feast for the eyes;大饱眼福;achievement ;

unit 2

evaluate ; v. 评价;估价;value; 价值;评价;珍惜;认为……价值高;think highly/much of;【串记】i didn' t evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。

various ; adj. 各种各样的;vary; v. variety; n.; all kinds/sorts of; alter; change;differ;

in the name of /hope …

in exchange of归纳:in honour of/f**our/need/search/want…注意:有the 和无 the 的区别;

in return 报答; 回报。

african; 非洲人; 非洲的;—an—ian:人 ;canadian;musician, physician,musician;

ambassador ;大使;大使说:“俺是不怕死的”。



wander ;v. 徘徊;漫游;游荡;wonder;

existence;存在;v. exist; [being,humanbeing

survive ; v. 存活;幸存;arrive;

accurate ; adj;准确;精确;exact;

n**y ;海军;airforce空军;army;军队;形近;envy嫉妒;羡慕;

treasure ; n 财宝;财富; v. 珍惜;珍爱;看重;precious珍贵的;宝贵的;wealth/y财富(富有的);

fleet ; n. 船队;舰队;flee(fled;fled)逃跑;逃走;fee费用;feet 脚、英尺;

command ; v.命令;指挥;控制;

]; 宾语从句中用虚拟语气(should )加动词原形:




四要求; demand;require;request;claim;


六催促、敦促; urge;

set sail to/ for/from启航;sail 帆; 航行; sailor; 海员。

royal ; n.王室的; 皇家的;noble高贵的;loyal;忠诚的;


word文档仅限参考。word文档可进行编辑。中考英语词汇漫谈。一 中考英语词汇简介。词汇是英语学习中的基本要求,尽管中考英语试题中纯词汇题目平均只占到15 左右,但是你会发现,不论在阅读题还是单选题,甚至在写作中,词汇都起着至关重要的作用。如果攻克了词汇关,那么英语考试的整体成绩就会有很大的提高。...


中考英语词汇漫谈。一 中考英语词汇简介。词汇是英语学习中的基本要求,尽管中考英语试题中纯词汇题目平均只占到15 左右,但是你会发现,不论在阅读题还是单选题,甚至在写作中,词汇都起着至关重要的作用。如果攻克了词汇关,那么英语考试的整体成绩就会有很大的提高。目前的中考英语大纲所要求的基本词汇有1060个...


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