历年真题重点词汇辨析与练习 英语考试必备 轻松得高分

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1.vital; fatal; crucial; vitality

vital: 重要的,生命的;fatal: 致命的 (cet6.96.6);crucial: 决定性的 (cet6.00.1);vitality: 活力,生命力。

the boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received __fatal/excessive/disastrous/vital) injures.

2.dismiss; fire; lay off; discharge

dismiss: 指强迫他人离开,即解雇,开除,也指允许许多人离开、解散;fire: (俗语)解雇通常用在有雇佣关系的场合;lay off:

解雇,下岗 (cet4.96.6);discharge: 遣走(某人),让(某人)离去;也指正式"释放"。

the store had to __lay off/lay out/lay aside/lay down) a number of clerks because sales were down.

3.scorn; scold; scent; score

scorn: 轻蔑; scold: 责骂(指态度粗暴,高声地骂他人); scent: 特有的气味,好闻的香味;score: 得分,记下。

the woman is always __scolding/scorning/scoring) the children playing around her house.

4.involve; include

involve: 包括;包含,指必然包括某种结果;be involved in sth/with sb: 与某事(某人)有关连;include:


he was considered to be __involved/included) in criminal activities.

5.appoint; encounter; meet

appoint: 任命,指定(时间,日期)

he was appointed to the manager of the marketing department.

encounter: 相会,遭遇(困难,危险等)或偶尔遇见(友人等); meet (with): 指无意或有意地相见或遇到,满足。

they __met/encountered) with misfortune that day.

6.intervene; interfere

intervene (in/between): 干涉调停;(事件)介入,在期间发生;interfere (with) 干扰,干涉,让人感到讨厌。

they were about to fight when their father __interfered/intervened).

7.initial; original

initial; 起始的;original; 最初的,最早的 (cet6.98.1)。

this is the __initial/original/real/genuine) piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

8.discern; decent; descend

discern: 识别,辨认;decent: a.有分寸的,合适的 (cet6.00.1.67);descend(descent n.):

位置的)降落,下降 (cet6.97.1.43);decline: (比率)下降;变小,变弱 (cet6.97.6.57)。

we managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to __ascend/descend/decline/discern).

9.dominant; dominate; prominent; predominant; distinguished

dominant: 有统治权的,最有势力的,占优势的;dominate: v.支配 (cet6.2000.1.44);prominent:

显著的;杰出的(cet6.98.1.57 96.6.66); predominant: 优势的,卓越的,流行的;distinguished:卓越的,杰出的,指以卓越的成绩和优异的素质超越同类之上。

mr bloom is not __significant/dominant/magnificent/prominent) now, but he will be famous some day.

the book is expected to __exemplify/promote/prevail/dominate) the best seller lists.

10.enhance; ascend; strengthen; promote

enhance: 提高,增加(价值,力量等)(cet6.97.6); ascend: 上升,升高(cet6.98.6);strengthen:

加强,强化; promote: 促进,增进友谊、产品销售等 (cet4.97.6)。

the reputation of the poet's most recent works will certainly __strengthen/enhance/ascend/magnify) his national reputation.

11.principal; major; principle; primary

principal: a.主要的,n.主要人物,中学校长;major: a.比较重要的,vi主修;principle: 原则,原理;primary: 主要的第一的。

the __principal/principle) food of the chinese is rice.

christina majored in foreign trade in london university.

12.ultimate; final; eventual

ultimate: 终极的,根本的,主要的;final: 表示最后的,着重完结和最终结局;eventual: 最终的,结果的。

the sun is the __ultimate/eventual/final) store of power.

13.incident; accident; invent; case

incident:偶尔的(小)事件,也指引起国际争端或战争的事件;accident: (意外)事故;invent:

特别重要的事件(cet4.01.1.59);case: 案例(cet4.02.1)。

the lawyer advised him to drop the __event/incident/case/affair) since he stands little chance to win.

14.explore; exploit; probe; expose

explore: **(进一步了解发现,学习);exploit: 利用或开发(资源);probe (into):

探查,细察(某人的思想,某事的原因);expose: 使暴露揭露。

we h**e to __explore/exploit) that idea.

15.likely; alike; unlike

likely: 有可能的(cet4.98.6);alike: 表语形容词,相似的;unlike: 不像 (cet4.99.6)。

__ unlike/likely/alike/dislike) his sister, jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.


approach 接近,靠近。解析 注意 approach后面接地点 人物和目标时是及物动词,否则是不及物动词。作及物动词时还可引申为研究,考虑,商洽等义,作名词时,可表示途径,态度等。the time is approaching when we must be on board.我们上船的时间快...


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英语历年真题重点词汇词组手册及作文词汇 食品英文名称

英语历年真题重点词汇词组手册。1.parliamentary adj.议会的。2 territory n.领土,版图,地域。3 incurably adv.治不好地,不能矫正地。4 convincing adj.令人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的。5 flashed vi.闪光,闪现,反射,使迅速。...