
发布 2021-05-20 05:21:28 阅读 4242



wait for a flower to blossom and read my feelings for therest of my life.


thekeyinmyheart,sofar, you can't be forgotten.

3、如果友情是用来伤人的,那么爱情就是用来害人的。if friendship is used to hurt people, then love is used tohurt people.


remember that you are a girl, you h**e to laugh, you h**eto live beautifully!


missedwaiting,theconcernoftheafterlife,aperson'selegance, a person's dream, just the fault of the sea of people,just because of tears.


欢迎阅读。if one day, i deleted you for no reason, please forgive me,that is, i found that your world really does not lack me.7、缘分是本书,翻的不经意,会错过细节,读的太过认真,又会流干眼泪。

fate is the book, turn carelessly, will miss the details, readtoo seriously, and will shed tears.


i don't need soft ribs or armor. i can live better by myself.9、我们之间的距离刚刚好,不多也不少,既能够互相拥抱,也可以随时忘掉。

the distance between us is just right, no more or no can embrace each other and forget it at any time.10、越长大越是越是小心翼翼,越是瞻前顾后,越是脆弱。the older, the more careful, the more forward-looking, themore fragile.


many people h**e told me to take care of themselves, butno one has ever said that i will take care of you in the future.12、世界上,真的会有那么一个人默默关注着你,疼爱着你,却永远不再靠近你。

欢迎阅读。in the world, there will really be someone who cares aboutyou silently, loves you, but never comes near you again.13、可能是现在感情,太过昂贵,让付出真心的人,好狼狈。

maybe it's the feeling now, which is too expensive, so thatthose who give their hearts are in a bad state.14、无人待我情自深,无人伴我立黄昏。

no one treats me deeply, no one accompanies me at dusk.15、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。

therearenounfinishedstoriesintheworld,onlyunfinished hearts.


sometimes,thechoicetoletgoisnotimpossibletoadhere to, just because you find that some things are doomedto be impossible.


people will be hypocritical and changeable, this second isno longer this second, we h**e to learn to get used to reality.18、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。

when tears flow down, i know that separation is anotherkind of understanding.


takethewrongroadremembertoturn,lovethewrongperson remember to let go.

20、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。the pain of speaking has been alleviated, and only thosewho never mention it touch the bottom of their hearts.21、难过的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,成全别人,也放开自己。

whenyouaresad,squatdownandhugyourself,complete others, and let go of yourself.


if, if love has cooled, if, if the love has passed, then go toask why?


or so lonely, the sky will still be blue, the heart will alwayshurt.

24、我会渐渐和你保持距离,直到我和你彻底没了关系。i will gradually keep away from you until i h**e nothing todo with you.


originally thought that as long as you hold tight, you can

欢迎阅读。go forever, but did not expect that the tighter you hold, thefaster you lose.

26、下一次可不可以换你,褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。next time, can you change your pride and like me crazy?27、从此抽烟喝酒,闭口不谈天长地久,从此撩猫逗狗,再不说曾经拥有。

from then on, he smoked and drank, kept his mouth shutand never talked about the eternity. from then on, he pulledthe cat and teased the dog, not to mention the ownership.28、浮世万千,吾爱有三。


there are three things i love. day, moon and qing. the sunis morning, the moon is evening, and the qing is evening.

29、曾经的胡闹,是因为依赖。如今的礼貌,是因为陌生。's courtesy is due to strangeness.


emotions do not come first and then come, clearly i metyou first, but you put your gentle patience, all to later people.31、生;不过是一朵花开的时间,死;亦不过是一片叶落的刹那。

欢迎阅读。life is but the time when a flower blossoms and dies, andthe moment when a leaf falls.

32、我以为我们会爱到最后,谁知缘分早已走到了尽头。i thought we would love to the end, who knows fate hasalready come to an end.

33、每个嘴里说不想恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。every person who says he doesn't want to fall in love has aperson in his heart that he can't h**e.


it's not cold or hot. it's the most comfortable temperatureinnature,butintheemotionalworld,it'sthemostlethaltemperature.


sorrow music reverberates in the ear, lonely only the soul.36、离你越近的地方,路途越远,最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。

the nearer you are, the farther you go. the ******st tonerequires the hardest practice.

37、喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。it'snotwrongtolikeaperson,butit'swrongtolikeaperson who doesn't like himself.


some sceneries can only be liked but can not be collected,just as some people are only suitable for meeting but not forlong-term companionship.


1 等一朵花开,念一世情怀。wait for a flower to blossom and read my feelings for therest of my life.2 心中的那把钥匙,至此至今,都无法翻开。因为,无法把你忘怀。the key in my heart,so far,has n...


the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。我以为爱情可以克服一切,谁知道她有时毫无力量。我以为爱情可以填满人生的遗憾,然而,制造更多遗憾的,却偏偏是爱情。阴晴圆缺,在一段爱情中不断重演。换一个人,都不会天色常蓝。into my...

