
发布 2021-05-20 04:59:28 阅读 4938

passion is sweet【激情如此甜蜜。】love makes weak【爱情使得无力。】

you said you cherished freedom so【你说你珍爱自由。】you refuse to let it go【你拒绝让它继续。】follow your fate【遵循你的命运。

】love and hate【爱和憎恨。】

never fail to seize the day【抓住每一天。】

but dont give yourself away【但是不要放弃你自己。】oh when the night falls【噢,当夜幕降临的时候。】and your all alone【你独自一人。

】in your deepest sleep【在你深深的睡眠中。】what are you dreaming of【你在梦着什么?】

my skin's stillburningfrom your touch【我的**随着你的触摸燃烧。】oh i just can't get enough i【噢,我只是无法满足。】said i wouldn't ask for much【我不能再奢求更多。

】but your eyes are dangerous【但是你的眼神很危险。】

oh the thought keep spinning in my head【噢,这思绪在我的脑海中盘旋。】can we drop this masquerade【我们可不可以结束这场化装舞会?】i can't predict where it ends【我无法预知终点在何处。

】if your the rock i'll crush against【对于你的摇摆,我将逆反。】trapped in a crowd【截留在人群中。】the music is loud【**不断。

】i said i love my freedom to【我说我珍爱自由。】now i'm not sure i do【现在我已经无法确定。】

all eyes on you【关注着你。】rings so true【**声如此真实。】

better quit while you're ahead【当你向前的时候最好离开】now i'm not so sure i am【现在我无法确定我是谁。】my soul my heart【我的灵魂,我的心】

if you're near if you're far【如果你靠近,如果你远离。】my life my love【我的生命,我的爱。】

you can h**e it all...ooohaaaah.【你全部拥有。】

ooh if your the rock i'll crush against.【对于你的摇摆,我将逆反。】


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