
发布 2021-05-20 04:27:28 阅读 8027


my salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses. 我的工资足够支付我们的日常开销了。

i lived high and expended largely. 我生活奢侈开销很大。

i'm calculating our daily expenses. 我正在计算我们的日常开支。

i h**e summed up the money we spent last month. 我已经合计出我们上个月花费的总数了。

i'm living above my limit. 我生活的开销超出我的底线。

it's easier to get money than to keep it. 挣钱容易攒钱难。

we've got to tighten our belt. 我们得省吃俭用。

i must drew in a bit, because i spend too much. 我必须节省点,因为我花得太多了。

be careful how you spend your money. 花钱要谨慎。

money doesn't grow on trees. 钱不是长在树上的(钱来之不易,钱不是大风刮来的,钱不是从天上掉下来的)

you should budget your life from now on. 从现在开始你应该预算你的开支。

i will keep a tight rein on expenditure from now on. 从现在开始我要严格控制开支。

budget may be the only way to get a grip on your spending. 制定预算可能是控制你消费的唯一方式。

i'm going to h**e to cut back on my shopping from now on. 从现在开始我打算缩减购物开支。

we h**e to start living on a budget. 我们得开始按预算生活了。

we need to figure out how much money we are spending. 我们得算算要花多少钱。

we h**e to keep it within a tight budget. 我们得确保花费在预算之内。

how do you think we can s**e more money? 你认为我们怎么能省更多的钱?

i h**e to trim the budget for the new year. 我们得削减过新年的预算了。

we can look for something inexpensive. 我们可以买些不贵的东西。

i plan to do shopping during the time for promotion at the shop. 我计划在商店**时购物。

i'm poor. 我没有钱。

i'm broke. 我没有钱了。

i'm out of pocket money. 我零用钱花完了。

we're nearly out of money. 我们快没钱了。

my card is maxed out. 我的卡刷爆了。

i'm in hot water. 我陷入了困境。

we h**e been in the red. 我们已经负债了。

we are gonna go broke. 我们要破产了。

we're gonna h**e to sell a house. 我们得把房子卖了。

i need money. 我需要钱。

i am very tight with money now. 我现在手头很紧。

may i borrow some money from you? 我能从你那儿借点钱吗?

i'm wondering if you could lend me some money. 我想知道你能借我一些钱吗?

i want to borrow some money from you. 我想找你借点钱。

you're very generous. 你真慷慨。

i don't want to be in debt to any of my friends. 我不想欠任何朋友的钱。

you owe me $75,000. 你欠了我七万五千美元。

i owe you $10,000. 我欠你一万美元。

i don't h**e the money. 我没有那么多钱。


tut mir leid,dass du warten musstest.让你久等了。ach wo 哪儿的话!ich hoffe du magst es.希望你喜欢。weit du,was er mag?你知道,他喜欢什么吗?kein problem.没事。ich mag dich.我喜欢你。ich...


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