高一英语期末复习 句子翻译

发布 2021-05-20 02:08:28 阅读 3581


1. 做你要做的事,不要与我争论。argue




5. 我们下决心这次要取胜。determine






11. 我遇见她完全是偶然的。

12、她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧**。come across

13. 百年之后, 他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。carry

14. 我们同意不再提这事。 (refer)

15. 晚会上,她打扮成白雪公主的样子。(dress)

unit 2





5. 大学毕业之后,他在一家公司找到了一份工作。

6. 怀着发财的梦想,他给自己的农场配备了先进的设备。(with the hope of, equip0

7. 苹果含有丰富的维他命c。(rich)

8. 他们在晚会上和外国人互换了礼物。(exchange)

9. 他宁愿呆在家里也不愿去散步。(would rather)

10. 妈妈对我的考试成绩很满意。

unit 3

1、你挑出你要看的电影了吗?(pick out)

2、供水昨晚停了。(cut )

3、当时学校缺少老师。(badly off )

4. 那本书以17世纪的西班牙为背景。(set )

5. 天看起来好像要下雨了。( as if)

6. 一群游客被大雪困住了。( be caught in )

7. 开车时,你们要特别注意路口和行人。

8. 你能把水变成冰吗?(turn into)

9. 警察冲向那栋大楼寻找那个陌生人。

10. 我们要对我们所拥有的东西感到知足。

unit 4






6. 一般说来,我们对考试总是会感到紧张。(general,nervous)

7. 你愿意和我们一起外出度假吗?(willing)

8. 我们抵御敌人保卫我们的国家。(defend)

9. 他背对着我们低声回**。(turn one’s back to)

10. 即使你不喜欢他们,你最好还是向他们点头问好,因为你代表了我们大家。

unit 5

1、春天是万物复苏的季节。(come to life)

2、难怪有人说电子计算机正渐渐接管世界。(no wonder)

3、要乘飞机必须提前定位子。 (in advance)

4. 这家超市给我们市民提供各种各样的生活用品。(provide)

5. 我们积极参加各种各样的课外活动。( take part in)

6. 这间公园是以孙中山命名的。(name after)

7. 我们正在为期末考试做准备。(prepare)

8. 在街上,如果有人靠近你。你得小心。(get close to)

9. 许多他的**都是以真实的故事为基础的。(be based on)

10. 我们不仅要帮助别人,还要关爱他人。

参***。1、 1 do what you are told to and don’t argue with me.

2、 the lawyer argues for the poor man.

3、 he argued fiercely against the plan to cut taxes.[

4、 only in this way can we finish it on time.

5、 we are determined to succeed this time.

6、 i hope you don’t look down upon this kind of work.

7、 i was walking through the shops when a beautiful dress caught my eye.

8、 the book tell me why ,which is about popular science, is intended for middle school students。

9、 he has devoted all his life to looking after his old father。

teacher should love his students,and concerned himself with their needs and desires。

11. i met her quite by chance.( i met hen by accident.)

12、she came across some old photos in the drawer.

13. his children will certainly carry on his career after his death.

14. we agreed not to refer to that matter.

15. she dressed up as snow white at the party.

unit 2

1、people in the country are still struggling for the peace.

2、you must rid yourself of these bad habits.

3、we agreed never to refer to that matter.

4、thanks to your map, we could finally find the house.

5. after graduating from the college, he found a job in a company.

the hope of ****** fortune, he equipped his farm with the advanced equipment.

7. apples are rich in vitamin c.

exchanged gifts with the foreigners at the party.

9. he would rather stay at home than go for a walk.

10. my mother was quite satisfied with my exam results.

unit 3

1、h**e you picked out the movie you want to see?

2、the water supply was cut off last night.

3、the school then was badly off for teachers.

4. the book was set in spain in 17th century.

5. it looks as if it is going to rain.

6. a crowd of tourists were caught in the he**y snow.

7. when driving, you must pay special attention to the crossroads and passers-by.

8. can you turn the water into ice?




the police rushed into the building in search of the stranger.

1. www。cer。net/artide/2004021313098897。

shtml。10. we should feel content with what we h**e.

unit 4

1、we must learn to **oid ****** the same mistake.


2、she is likely to phone me tonight.

中式饰品风格的饰品绝对不拒绝采用金属,而且珠子的种类也更加多样。 五光十色的水晶珠、仿古雅致的嵌丝珐琅珠、充满贵族气息的景泰蓝珠、粗糙前卫的金属字母珠片的材质也多种多样。3、i feel at ease with my friends.

4、not passing(failing in ) the exam made me lose face.

7、你喜欢哪一类型的diy手工艺制品?5、tea was introduced into other countries from china.

6. in general, we will always feel nervous when taking exams.


1 lincoin is remember as the american president by the people all over the world.林肯作为美国 被世人铭记。2 the future of our motherland belongs to us 祖国的未来属于我们的。...


1 lincoin is remember as the american president by the people all over the world.林肯作为美国 被世人铭记。2 the future of our motherland belongs to us 祖国的未来属于我们的。...


unit 1 1.那时我才明白她的意思。only then 2.只有靠这种方法,我们才能按时完成任务。only 3.这本字典是给高中学生用的。intend senior students 4.现在孩子们在计算机游戏上花太多的时间。devote 5.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情。worth...