
发布 2021-05-19 03:45:28 阅读 7886


when you want knowledge like you want air under water then you willget it.--socrates


1.人称代词personal pronoun1)作主语(主格)i am a student.2)作宾语(宾格)

动宾my parents love me.

介宾my father is strict with me.




2.物主代词possessive pronoun1)形容词物主代词作定语+nmy classmates are friendly.

2)名词性物主代词作主语、宾语、表语。填写并区分成分。 this isn’t __she) t-shirtis i useyou)pen?

i can’t findi)this classroom iswe)

3.反身代词reflexive pronoun1)作宾语。

we h**e grown up, so we should look after ourselves.2)作强调。

the students decorated their classroom themselves.*3)同位语。

imyself cooked it.

词组:enjoy oneself,help oneself to sth,can’t help oneselfdoingsth.

look, this is a photo of __i was three years old at that time.(i)look, this is a photo of __my dog was in the photo.(i)

many people post photos of __on facebook. they get to know each other on facebook.(they)

4.指示代词(demonstrative pronoun)近指远指。



the people here is more polite than __in the country side

5.疑问代词(interrogative pronoun)

who, whom, whose, which, what等引出特殊疑问句的代词。

6.不定代词(indefinite pronoun)

1)some+ n复数(一些)用于肯定句, any用于否定、疑问句。not any = there are no new books books other + n单。

is the tallest girl in her class.

she is taller thanin her is taller thanin her class* would you like some milk?希望得到肯定回答。

some +单数:某个there must be some reason for it.



someone某人anyone任何人no one没有人everyone每个人谓语动词单数every one of

nothing= not anything没有事nobody没有人。

形容词后置修饰something interestingeveryone/everybody likes presents.

3)few & little可数不可数。

一些(肯定)a fewa little


only, just,(只有) even(甚至),quite必须和a few, a little连用quite a few=manyquite a little = much

thereare quite __people in the square, it’s so crowded.

4) both , allboth两者都。


allof us like to eat apples. =wealllike to eat apples

主语、同位语allthe oil has been used of … we both…

all, both位置:be动词,情态动词后,行为动词前。they all went there.

they were all waiting outside.


either:两者中任一you can write to either of us.* on either/each side of …/on both sidesof…neither:


6) the other两者中的一个…另一个。

hehas got two pairs of sneakers, one is nike, the other is adidas.*in my other hand

b. some … others…:一些…另一些other +n复=others

some boys are reading books, other boys(others) are watching tv.

c.具体数字范围。some …the others…:一些…剩余的…the other + n = the others = the rest剩余的。

there are thirty students in our are from beijing. …the others are from shanghai.…others are from shanghai

d. another另一个。

i don’tlike this kind of watch. will you show me another?*each other = one another

there are only two baseball caps don’t like this one. will you please show me the other?

7) one, ones


i’m looking for a pencil, but i can’t find __i’m looking for that pencil, but i can’t find __


a. each指两个及以上的事物,every指三个及以上的事物he has balls on each hand.不能用every

there are flowers on each/every side of the each/every+n单+谓语单数each/every boy here likes each of +n复数。

each of the rooms is big.*every不直接加ofevery one of

we each are praised.= we are praised 作同位语,谓语随we

7. it的用法指物:it is a cat.

指自然现象:it is so hot today.

指时间:it’s seven o’clock now.

指距离:it’sfive minutes’ walk from my home to my school.

做形式主语:it’s important to s**e water. it is +adj(修饰事情) +forsb to do kind of you to help is + adj(修饰人物) +ofsb to do sth此类adj:

clever, bright, intelligent, smart, generous,clever,foolish, sensible做形式宾语:主+make/ feel/ think it +adj for sb to do sth.


代词。一 人称代词 注 it 还有一些特别的用法。1 用作形式主语,常用于 it s adj.to do sth.句型中。2 用在句型 it seems that 中。3 用在句型 it s one s turn to do sth 中。4 用在句型 it s time to do sth for ...

初三英语教案 指示代词

提起 this that 和 it 大家对它们并不陌生。this that 既可作为形容词,又可作为指示代词,而 it 只能作代词用,使用时要注意它们的区别。1.this 指离说话人较近的人或物,that 则指离说话人较远的人或物。如 this is a book.这是一本书。指近处 that is...


名词。1 名词的分类。专有名词单数名词表泛指,在前面加a an.可数名词 有单数和复数之分 普通名词复数形式通常加 s es 不可数名词 没有复数形式物质名词 抽象名词 专有名词。用some any a little a lot of 修饰。2 可数名词复数的变化形式。1 规则变化。2 不规则变化。...